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Iodine solution may help prevent spread of COVID-19: New study

Iodine solution may help prevent spread of COVID-19: New study


Researchers and doctors around the world are leaving no stone unturned to find ways to stop the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Marking a breakthrough in the search for a cure for the deadly disease, a team of researchers has found that iodine solution can completely inactivate the novel coronavirus that is responsible for the pandemic. Also Read – COVID-19 Live Updates: Cases in India surge to 54,00,619 while death toll reaches 86752

In one study, researchers from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine observed the reaction of the novel coronavirus in three different iodine concentrations — 0.5 per cent, 1.25 per cent, and 2.5 per cent. They found that all three concentrations, including the weakest one, can completely inactivate the virus within 15 seconds. When they conducted the same test with ethanol alcohol, they did not see any promising results. Also Read – Coronavirus can spread on airplanes; antiseptic nasal spray may help curb transmission

The findings suggest that iodine solution may help in preventing the spread of novel coronavirus, said the researchers in a paper published in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Also Read – Face masks made from used T-shirts, bedsheets can prevent COVID-19 spread even if you sneeze

Nasal decontamination may reduce viral load in COVID-19 patients

According to the researchers, the iodine solution can be used in the form of nasal disinfectants to reduce the risk of viral spread through droplets and aerosols.

For example, medical professionals can instruct their patients to perform nasal decontamination using a nasal spray containing povidone-iodine before their appointments.

The researchers believe that this will help prevent the spread of the virus in waiting rooms and common areas of the hospitals/clinics. In addition, it could help reduce the risk of COVID-19 patients developing critical symptoms by decreasing the viral load that travels to the lungs, they said.

While the researchers propose povidone-iodine nasal irrigation along with mask usage to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 infection, they also cautioned that the nasal wash should be done under the supervision of a clinician only.

Further, they warned that routine use of povidone-iodine would not be safe for pregnant women and patients with thyroid conditions. Larger clinical trials are underway to study the effectiveness of intranasal povidone-iodine solutions in curbing viral transmission, the researchers said.

Earlier studies have revealed the virucidal activity of povidone-iodine products against other similar infections, including Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).

Can salt water solution be used to treat COVID-19 symptoms?

Rinsing the nostrils and gargling with salt water has been used as a popular remedy for cold symptoms for many years. Some researchers say this ancient home remedy might also help with early symptoms of COVID-19. However, there is no evidence to suggest that gargling with saline water can prevent the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

The World Health organization (WHO) has also debunked that gargling with salt water isn’t a foolproof technique of COVID-19 prevention. But it hasn’t denied the fact that salt water gargles can help soothe a sore throat.

Researchers at Harvard have also dismissed saline water gargles as a measure to prevent COVID-19 or stop the COVID-19 virus from reaching your lungs. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is also in agreement with the WHO and Harvard.

But all the three renowned health bodies agreed that washing your hands regularly, wearing a mask in public places, and maintaining social distancing is the best way to stay safe from the novel coronavirus until there is a potential vaccine.

Published : September 21, 2020 11:27 am


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