Home Latest Iran executes protester for injuring guard with knife, says report

Iran executes protester for injuring guard with knife, says report

Iran executes protester for injuring guard with knife, says report


Iran executed a protester on Thursday who was convicted of injuring a safety guard with a knife and shutting off a road within the capital, Tehran, the semi-official Tasnim information company reported.

Nationwide protests that erupted after the death of 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman Mahsa Amini on Sept. 16 symbolize one of many greatest challenges to the Islamic Republic since its institution in 1979.

The Tasnim information company recognized the one that was executed as Mohsen Shekari however gave no extra particulars.

Authorities have been cracking down on the protests and on Monday, the Revolutionary Guards praised the judiciary for its robust stand and inspired it to swiftly and decisively subject judgements for defendants accused of “crimes against the security of the nation and Islam”.

Judiciary spokesman Masoud Setayeshi introduced on Tuesday that 5 folks indicted within the killing of a Basij militia member, Rouhollah Ajamian, have been sentenced to loss of life in a verdict which they will enchantment.

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