Home Latest James Valley Career & Technology Center | Jamestown Sun

James Valley Career & Technology Center | Jamestown Sun

James Valley Career & Technology Center | Jamestown Sun


The James Valley Career and Technology Center welcomes students of Jamestown High School and Montpelier back to school for the 2020-2021 school year. Traditionally, this is the time of year when parents begin pondering back to school supplies, meal plans and activity fees while students grow concerned over class schedules, locker assignments and preparation for extracurricular activities. In addition, stakeholders are also collecting masks and personal sanitation supplies that promote safety for all. Please note that the JVCTC follows the Jamestown High School personal protection guidance, so protective face masks are expected as a part of our initial return. Those protocols can and will vary with the risks tied to our area, and we will provide clear, transparent direction when conditions change.

While all of those steps are essential to the start of a safe and successful school year, help your child develop a school mindset prior to the first day. Encourage your child to shut off the phone or tablet and pick up a book to read for enjoyment. Regulate their time in front of electronic monitors prior to going to sleep; the latest research suggests teens and adults sleep better when removed from electronic screens one hour prior to going to bed. Monitor their sleeping patterns, returning them to a schedule which assures eight hours of sleep. Remind them to feed their brain in the morning by eating a well-balanced breakfast prior to school each day. These simple changes can help your child start off on the right foot this fall.

Career and Technology Education programs across the country are uniting with industry leaders to help close a growing gap in the American workforce. The area of greatest concern is the number of vacant jobs open due to the lack of candidates who possess the skill set to perform those required tasks. Our instructors at the CTC attend workshops each summer that help us align our curriculum to better meet those industry needs. As you and your child begin discussing career opportunities, there are some startling facts to consider about today’s industry patterns. For every 10 occupations, one requires a master’s degree or more. In fact, two professional jobs require a university degree from a four-year institution, and more than six jobs require a one-year certificate or two-year degree. This is why we build pathways for students that allow them to better transition to either the workforce directly or higher education interests which produce the one-year certificate or two-year degree. Moreover, many of our course offerings at the James Valley Career and Technology Center align with areas of great need in terms of job vacancy in both local and abroad.

Students of the Career and Technology Center from both Jamestown and Montpelier can participate in a number of class offerings, including: Child Care; Marketing/Management Education; Health Careers & Medical Terminology; Construction Technology; Auto Technology; Auto Collision Technology; Machine Tooling Technology, and Agriculture Education. Career Guidance services will also be provided to all students enrolled in the Center’s Career-Technical programs.

Beyond our robust career and technological curricular class offerings and programs, we host the NDSCS Adult Farm Business Management program, Adult Basic and Secondary Education, General and Vocational Adult Education, High School Completion (GED), Certified Nurse-Aide Skills Training, and Certified Nurse-Aide testing.

To get a more detailed look at the James Valley Career & Technology Center programs and staff go to the newly revised website:

http://www.jamesvalleyctc.k12.nd.us/ , call us at 701-252-8841 or stop in for a visit.


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