Home Latest Javadekar announces SOPs for resuming film, TV shooting

Javadekar announces SOPs for resuming film, TV shooting

Javadekar announces SOPs for resuming film, TV shooting


Union information and broadcasting minister Prakash Javadekar on Sunday said film and television production can be resumed with necessary health protocols in place.

After consultations with the home ministry and the health ministry, a standard operating procedure (SOP) has been firmed up, he said. According to the SOP, only the actors facing the camera will be exempt from wearing masks. And crew members will have to adhere to the guidelines of the health ministry.

Production of films and television programmes has been put on hold since March 25, when a nationwide lockdown was imposed in the wake of the coronavirus disease pandemic. After 68 days of stringent curbs, the government initiated the “unlock” process from June.

As per the guidelines announced on Sunday, high-risk employees will have to take extra precautions; they are advised not be exposed to frontline work requiring contact with public. Masks will be mandatory for all, sanitization norms will have to be adhered to, respiratory etiquette will be strictly followed, and the use of Aarogya Setu app will be advised.

Thermal screening at entry points will be mandatory and only asymptomatic persons will be allowed on the premises. Physical distance of six feet at all times as far as feasible should be maintained. Crowd management in parking lots outside premises to ensure physical distancing is also part of the guiding principles.

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The guidelines also call for ensuring that temperature setting of all air conditioning devices should be in the range of 24-30°C; recirculation of air will be avoided to the extent possible; and cross ventilation has to be ensured.

Production houses were also asked to ensure visitors and audience were not allowed on sets. For outdoor shooting, necessary coordination with the local authorities will have to be ensured to minimise and manage spectators. Staggered call and pack-up timings for different production units shall be ensured by studios having multiple sets.

“Common locations such as sets, cafeteria, make-up rooms, edit rooms, vanity vans, washrooms, etc. shall be sanitized regularly. Sensitive equipment, while keeping in consideration the delicate nature and technical feasibility, shall be sanitized, to the extent possible, before and after the shoot. Adequate provisions for rational use of gloves, boots, masks, PPE, etc. shall be undertaken,” the guidelines said.

The new dos and don’ts also forbid sharing of costumes, hair wigs, makeup items, equipment, and use of PPEs by make-up artists and hair stylists. The guidelines also said stigmatization or unruly behaviour shall be dealt with strictly in coordination with the local authorities.


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