Home Entertainment JOHNSTON: A fall like no other is nearly upon us

JOHNSTON: A fall like no other is nearly upon us

JOHNSTON: A fall like no other is nearly upon us


Drivers should really start watching for deer because fawns have no fear of motor vehicles. And if mama is already across the road, junior is going to follow her no matter what.

Remember, too, that it is going to get worse. By the end of October, the rut will be underway and deer will be everywhere. Be careful. Remember that deer are the body shop owner’s best friend.

The summer gardens are about gone. I ate the last of the watermelons, cantaloupes and corn last week and now the only crops left are a few tomatoes and some okra.

Well, that’s not exactly true. After the dry July, the early August rains rejuvenated everything. My beans, which played out in mid-July after producing about 85 gallons, came to life and started blooming again. Now I have fresh beans on the table almost every night and some plants are still blooming.

This was an unusual summer in one sense. There were few insects. There were almost none of those little yellow bugs on my beans and my late corn, which I couldn’t spray because of the persistent rain, had almost no ear worms.

I don’t ever remember a year when there were so few Japanese beetles, and I have seen only one Junebug all summer. There was only one wasp nest out in the meat house and it was a small one. But I have seen plenty of honeybees.

If you are planning a fall garden, this is the time to set out cabbage and broccoli plants and plant greens. All do well in the cool fall weather.


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