Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan just lately shared her love for a easy but nutritious Maharashtrian meal on her Instagram story. The actress, recognized for her love for home-cooked meals, acquired the meal from her buddy Mallika Bhat and shared an image of the lunch that consisted of Varan, Aloo and Bhath. Kareena expressed her appreciation for her buddy’s cooking abilities, and captioned the picture, “When @mallika bhat sends you food..you know it’s the best lunch ever.” Mallika additionally reposted Kareena’s story and added a sticker saying, “ENJOY MY BEBOLAS” with a “BON APPETIT” greeting.
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Take a have a look at the image:
Varan Bhat is an easy Maharashtrian dish that mixes dal and rice, making it a staple consolation meals for a lot of Maharashtrian households. It is filled with protein and carbs, making it a nutritious dish that may be loved for lunch or dinner. Some folks additionally add easy aloo sabzi to finish the meal.
Kareena Kapoor Khan’s love for home made meals is not any secret, and her social media posts usually characteristic her having fun with meals together with her family members. She additionally often shares snippets of her life together with her followers on her Instagram deal with, giving them a glimpse of her private {and professional} life.
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If you need to attempt making the Maharashtrian Varan and Bhat recipe, you may take a look at the total recipe on Kareena’s Instagram web page. The easy recipe is straightforward to observe and could be made with simply accessible substances.
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