Bengaluru: The Karnataka Cyber, Economic and Narcotics Crime (CEN) Police have lodged a grievance from a BPO staffer relating to the importing of his personal video together with his girlfriend on varied porn websites in Bengaluru, police mentioned on Monday.
The complainant and his girlfriend had frolicked in a resort in Bengaluru a while in the past. The miscreants managed to file their personal moments and uploaded the video on varied pornographic websites.
The youth had discovered his personal video after visiting a porn website and when he surfed additional, he discovered his movies in different porn websites as nicely. However, the faces of the complainant and his girlfriend are blurred within the uploaded movies.
The complainant had recognized his birthmark on the chest and has lodged the grievance. However, the police mentioned that the video had been shot from completely different angles and so they suspect that it was not shot by secret cameras. However, because the investigation progresses, the reality will come out, police mentioned.
The CEN Crime police have taken the case for investigation in opposition to unidentified miscreants. The police have additionally questioned the workers of the resort and recorded their statements. Further investigation is on.
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