Home Latest Legal sports betting jumps 117% in Colorado in August compared to July

Legal sports betting jumps 117% in Colorado in August compared to July

Legal sports betting jumps 117% in Colorado in August compared to July


Legal Colorado sports betting wagers made a huge increase — 117% — in August, the fourth month of legalization, according to the Colorado Department of Revenue’s Division of Gaming.

August figures for sports betting wagering and taxes were released and the whooping increase is compared to the month of July figures, according to a news release.

“The total handle for both retail and online sports betting wagers in Colorado in August” totaled $128,646,209, the release said. Total taxes collected from the Net Sports Betting Proceeds were $189,461.

The top three sports by total wagers, both retail and online, in August were:

  • Basketball with $38,040,027
  • Baseball with $22,789,309
  • Ice hockey with $13,594,062

Basketball wagering took 29.6% of the total stake.


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