Home Latest Leveraging Technology for Faster, Better Investment Decisions – WatersTechnology.com

Leveraging Technology for Faster, Better Investment Decisions – WatersTechnology.com

Leveraging Technology for Faster, Better Investment Decisions – WatersTechnology.com


The Panel

  • Nick Mazing, Director of Research, Sentieo
  • Peter McNally, Global Sector Lead, Third Bridge
  • Andrea Sefler, Director of Research, Broyhill Asset Management
  • Moderator: Victor Anderson, Global Content Director, WatersTechnology

Buy-side firms face a number of critical day-to-day challenges, but none is more central to their existence than the ability to make the most judicious investment decisions on behalf of their clients. Key to that notion is technology and the extent to which it can be leveraged to systematize the variables that drive firms’ investment decisions while providing transparency and granularity about how and why decisions were made.

Developing and deploying systems for decision support is not a trivial undertaking but, for firms with technology in place to optimize the speed, accuracy and judiciousness of their investment decisions, the rewards can be substantial. 

Key topics discussed: 

  • The technologies available to buy-side firms surface and analyze information from across the business with the view to identifying hidden signals within it 
  • How machine learning and natural-language processing technologies can help firms optimize and systematize the processes underpinning their investment decision-making
  • How buy-side firms can make the business case for deploying a single research platform for capturing, analyzing and surfacing investment ideas
  • How buy-side firms can make use of ESG and alternative datasets with the view to using such data to drive their alpha-generating functions.


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