Home Health LIVE: Bengal govt to upload health parameters of Covid patients on website

LIVE: Bengal govt to upload health parameters of Covid patients on website

LIVE: Bengal govt to upload health parameters of Covid patients on website


update: India has recorded over 60,000 cases in 24 hours, for a second day in a row. With this, India’s tally of total cases has reached 2,089,773. As many as 42,578 have died from the disease. Five states with the highest test positivity rate (TPR) – percentage of tested people turning out to be positive for Covid-19 infection (by cumulative data for tests and cases) – are Maharashtra (19.25%), Telangana (13.85%), Delhi (12.63%), Puducherry (10.25%), and Karnataka (10.01%). Five most affected states by total tally of cases are Maharashtra (490,262), Tamil Nadu (279,144), Andhra Pradesh (206,000), Karnataka (158,254), and Delhi (142,723).
world update: Worldometer recorded 274,318 new cases worldwide in the past 24 hours. As many as 19,523,841 people around the world have been diagnosed with Covid-19. While 12,533,535 have recovered, 722,952 have died so far.


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