Home FEATURED NEWS London court docket orders extradition of gangster Jayesh Ranpariya to India

London court docket orders extradition of gangster Jayesh Ranpariya to India



A LONDON COURT on Thursday ordered the extradition of fugitive gangster Jayesh Ranpariya alias Jayesh Patel of Jamnagar to India after ruling that there are prima facie instances in opposition to him in Gujarat and that his custody is required right here. After ruling in favour of the gangster’s extradition to India, the London court docket referred the matter to the United Kingdom authorities for additional course of.

“The Westminster Magistrate’s Court in London has ruled that prima facie, there are grounds for extraction of Jayesh Ranparia to India and therefore ordered his extraction,” Deepan Bhadran deputy inspector normal (DIG) of the Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) of Gujarat advised The Indian Express.

Some of the instances in opposition to Ranpariya in Jamnagar district of Gujarat have been filed when Bhadran was posted because the superintendent of Jamnagar district police a few years in the past. “This is a significant victory in bringing Ranpariya to book and a first incident when a favourable ruling from a UK court has been won in case seeking extradition of someone wanted in Gujarat,” Bhadran additional mentioned.

Ranpariya is believed to have been hiding within the UK since 2018.

The DIG additional mentioned that the court docket has referred the matter to the workplace of the British Home Secretary for additional means of extradition. “Generally, the British government hasn’t gone against a court judgement ordering extradition,” mentioned Bhadran, including the gangster could have the choice of interesting in opposition to the British Home Secretary’s order if the UK authorities clears his extradition to India.

Incidentally, India has been making an attempt to safe extradition of fugitive businessmen Vijay Malya and Nirav Modi and former Indian Premier League commissioner Lalit Modi additionally.

Ranpariya was detained by Interpol from Croydon in London in March 2021 and after he refused consent to be extradited to India, the Westminster Magistrate’s Court had despatched him to Wandsworth jail.

“We had sought his extraction to India for trial in four serious criminal cases. They included murder of advocate Kirit Joshi, attempts on life of builders Jaysukh Pedhadiya and Girish Der by firing on them and Prof Parsottam Rajani, a lecturer at a college,” Nitish Pandey, superintendent of police of Devbhumi Dwarka district who’s a part of the Gujarat police crew engaged on the extradition of Ranpariya mentioned.

Pandey mentioned that with the assistance of Crown Prosecution Service of Britain, Gujarat police placed on report enough proof to win a beneficial ruling from the Magistrate’s Court. “The court sought to know what evidence was there to establish that there are prima facie cases against the accused. It was a daunting challenge as in all four cases, Ranpariya was the conspirator. However, we produced audio recordings of his extra-judicial confessions that he was involved in these cases as well as statements of co-accused as evidence,” mentioned the SP.

Pandey was posted as the extra SP of Jamnagar when instances have been lodged in opposition to Ranpariya and he was investigating officer in a case registered in opposition to the gangster beneath the Gujarat Control of Terrorism and Organised Crime (GUJCTOC) Act in October, 2020.

Joshi was allegedly stabbed to dying in full public view by two males who got here using a motorbike, outdoors the advocate’s workplace in Jamnagar on April 18, 2018. In November 2019, 4 males had allegedly opened fireplace on the residence and automobile of Prof Rajani in Jamnagar metropolis. Seven months later, three individuals had fired on Girish Der in July 2020. Six months therefore, 4 individuals had opened fireplace on Pedhadiya in January 2021.

“Ranpariya argued that cases against him in Gujarat were politically motivated as he had participated in the Patidar quota stir and that conditions in India were not safe and that the Indian judiciary was not independent. However, we managed to counter these claims successfully,” Pandey added.

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