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Looking Back: News items from The Roanoke Times & World-News from 25, 50 and 100 years ago

Looking Back: News items from The Roanoke Times & World-News from 25, 50 and 100 years ago


n “A school board request for $55,000 for a field house at Lucy Addison High School passed Roanoke City Council unanimously and with little discussion Monday. The quick 7-0 vote came after Councilman Noel C. Taylor had made the motion to appropriate the money.”

n “The Old Dominion’s first and only major league franchise — the Virginia Squires — was an artistic, if not financial, success in its debut Sunday night. The Squires, appearing in mid-season form, trampled the Carolina Cougars, 121-91 before a small and disappointing crowd of 1,215 at the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center.”

n “Effort on the part of the City School Board and the local school authorities to make the session of 1920 a highwater mark of educational efficiency is evidenced in a circular letter sent out this morning to all teachers and principals from the office of Supt. D.E. McQuilkin. Education is interpreted in its highest sense of mental, physical and moral training.”

n “That ‘Jay walking’ as well as speeding has had its doom sounded as a habit of the Magic City was evidenced in an announcement given out this morning by E.R. Johnson, president of the Local Council of Boy Scouts, to the effect that on two successive Saturdays, October 9 and 16, that organization would launch an educational campaign against the practice of crossing the street in the middle of the block and other dangerous pedestrian habits.”


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