Home Latest Losing 5-10% body weight can help manage blood sugar levels: Study | The Times of India

Losing 5-10% body weight can help manage blood sugar levels: Study | The Times of India

Losing 5-10% body weight can help manage blood sugar levels: Study  | The Times of India


As per 2015 data, around 135 million people in India were affected by obesity. Obesity, as we all know, is a risk factor for chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and even cancer.

Talking of diabetes, with 27 million people suffering from diabetes in 2017 in our country, India is called the diabetes capital of the world. The condition is becoming so common that not only adults but kids as young as six months are suffering from it.

People suffering from diabetes are at increased risk of strokes, heart attacks, kidney disease and high blood pressure.

Though lifestyle changes have shown positive results in controlling diabetes and even reversing it in some cases, here is another easy solution.

According to a study by John Hopkins University, losing just 5-10 per cent of your body weight can help control your blood sugar level in the long run.

And even people in the pre diabetic stage, if they manage to lose 5-10 per cent of the body weight, it reduces their risk of developing diabetes by 58 per cent.


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