Home Health Make Baked Chicken With Desi Flavours. Enjoy Healthy Indian-Style Chicken With This Recipe

Make Baked Chicken With Desi Flavours. Enjoy Healthy Indian-Style Chicken With This Recipe

Make Baked Chicken With Desi Flavours. Enjoy Healthy Indian-Style Chicken With This Recipe


Baked entire hen marks celebrations like Christmas and Thanksgiving all around the world. The slow-cooked hen imbues the juicy flavours that it’s marinated and seasoned with earlier than and whereas baking. While this delicacy is loved in lots of cultures, it might not impress Indian palates a lot. We are so used to our sturdy spicy masalas that we wish them in all of the dishes. We have Indianised pasta, noodles, pizzas and even baked chicken! Yes, we now have a recipe for Indian-style baked hen that embodies the essence of Indian flavours. 

Indian-style baked hen not solely brings the genuine flavours of India to your plate but additionally provides a more healthy various to fried hen. By baking it as a substitute of frying, you may take pleasure in a hearty hen with decreased oil content material. 

Also Read13 Best Baked Chicken Recipes | Easy Baked Chicken Recipes

The dish combines succulent items of hen with a tasty mix of spices like coriander, inexperienced chillies, turmeric and garlic. Tandoori masala provides the smoky factor that we love in our favorite tandoori hen and the marinade of curd and lemon juice makes it a refreshing delight, leading to a mouthwatering culinary expertise. Let’s see tips on how to create this tantalising baked hen dish in your personal kitchen. 

Also ReadMake Regular Chicken Dishes Healthier With These Recipes


Baked hen makes for a more healthy hen dish.

How To Make Indian-Style Baked Chicken I Indian Baked Chicken Recipe: 

Start by mixing all of the marinade elements collectively. Combine yoghurt, salt, inexperienced chillies, coriander, tandoori masala, garlic paste, turmeric, chilli powder, entire cumin, chopped onion, tomato paste, oil, and freshly squeezed lemon juice in a blender. Blend till you may have a easy and well-mixed marinade. 

Pour the marinade over the hen items, making certain that every piece is nicely coated. Allow the hen to marinate for at least 2 to 4 hours. This time will permit the flavours to penetrate the meat, leading to a extra succulent and flavourful hen. After marination, switch the hen together with the marinade right into a glass baking dish. Cover the dish with foil, which can assist to retain the moisture and flavours of the hen whereas it bakes. 

Preheat your oven to 180 levels Celsius and bake the hen. Remember to show it in between for even cooking.  

Click here for the complete recipe for Indian-style baked chicken.  

The tender and succulent meat, coated in a luscious mix of spices, is bound to thrill your style buds. Pair it with basmati rice, naan bread, or a refreshing salad for an entire meal. Enjoy! 

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