Home FEATURED NEWS Maldives prez tones down anti-India rhetoric, urges New Delhi to increase debt aid

Maldives prez tones down anti-India rhetoric, urges New Delhi to increase debt aid



NEW DELHI: Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu, following latest anti-India rhetoric, has shifted to a reconciliatory tone, emphasizing India’s significance as Maldives’ “closest ally.” He has urged New Delhi to increase debt aid to the archipelago nation.

The Maldives owed roughly USD 400.9 million to India by the top of final yr.

Ever since assuming workplace as president in November final yr, the pro-China Maldivian chief has adopted a agency stance in direction of India. Within hours of his inauguration, he demanded the repatriation of Indian army personnel working three aviation platforms from his nation by May 10.

Muizzu on Thursday in his first interview with the native media since assuming workplace stated that India was instrumental in offering help to the Maldives and has carried out the “greatest number” of tasks.

India will proceed to stay the Maldives’ closest ally, he stated and emphasised that there was no query about it, Maldives information portal Edition.mv stated in a report that carried excerpts of Muizzu’s interview to its Dhivehi language sister-publication ‘Mihaaru.’

Muizzu’s constructive remarks about India adopted the departure of the preliminary group of Indian army personnel from the island nation as scheduled earlier this month. By May 10, Muizzu insisted that each one 88 army personnel, stationed on the three Indian aviation platforms, ought to vacate the nation.

For a number of years now, India has been providing humanitarian help and medical evacuation assist to the Maldives, using two helicopters and a Dornier plane for this function. The Maldives’ shut proximity to India, with Minicoy Island in Lakshadweep simply 70 nautical miles away and the mainland’s western coast roughly 300 nautical miles distant, underscores its strategic significance. Situated on the crossroads of essential business sea routes within the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), the Maldives holds appreciable strategic worth.


During the interview, Muizzu urged India to accommodate debt aid measures for the Maldives within the compensation of “the hefty loans taken over consecutive governments.”

“The conditions we have inherited are such that there are very large loans taken from India. Hence, we are holding discussions to explore leniencies in the repayment structure of these loans.

“Instead of halting any ongoing tasks … to proceed with them at velocity, so I see no cause for any adversarial results (on Maldives-India relations),” Muizzu added.

Muizzu’s conciliatory comments towards India came ahead of Parliament elections in Maldives slated in mid-April.

He said Maldives has taken significant loans from India, which are heftier than can be borne by the Maldivian economy. “Due to this, he’s at the moment discussing with the Indian authorities to discover choices to repay the loans to the most effective of the Maldives’ financial capabilities,” the news portal said quoting him.

Muizzu, who expressed hope that India would “facilitate debt aid measures within the compensation of those loans,” also said that he has conveyed his appreciation to the Indian government for their contributions.

“I additionally conveyed to Prime Minister Modi throughout our assembly that I didn’t intend to halt any ongoing tasks. Instead, I expressed my need to strengthen and expedite them” he said, referring to his discussion with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Dubai on the sidelines of the COP28 summit in Dubai in December 2023.

“I recommended a high-level committee be established, one designed for fast decision-making even within the bridge mission to make sure speedy work. The identical for the Hanimaadhoo Airport,” he added.

Answering a question about Indian military personnel, Muizzu termed it as “the one matter of rivalry” that arose with India about the presence of Indian military in the Maldives and added that India, too, had accepted the fact and agreed to withdraw the military personnel.

“It isn’t good to dismiss or disregard help from one nation to a different as ineffective,” he said and claimed that he had not taken any action or made any statements that may strain the relationship between the two countries.

“Even if they’re troops of another nation, we are going to cope with them in the identical method. I’ve stated so very clearly. It is nothing private however fairly a matter of our nationwide safety,” he added.

(with inputs from businesses)

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