Home Health Mango Mania All Year Round – 5 Ways You Can Keep Enjoying The Fruit Till Next Summer

Mango Mania All Year Round – 5 Ways You Can Keep Enjoying The Fruit Till Next Summer

Mango Mania All Year Round – 5 Ways You Can Keep Enjoying The Fruit Till Next Summer


Preserve mango and enjoy its flavours the whole year.


  • You can enjoy the goodness of mangoes all year round.
  • We have some mango recipes that preserve mangoes.
  • Make these simple and easy mango dishes at home.

The only downside of summer ending is that we have to part ways with our favourite mangoes. Mango spells magic the whole season with its mushiness and sweetness that we all love every single year. If you are a die-hard fan of mangoes like us and wish you could enjoy the goodness of this fruit all year round, you can thank us, for we found some excellent ways to do it. You can preserve the fruit by making some yummy dishes that will not let you miss your favourite mango after it’s gone.

Here are some interesting recipes to pack and preserve mangoes for the whole year. So long, mangoes!

(Also Read: Dehydration To Pickling: 6 Ways To Preserve Eggs At Home)

5 Mango Recipes For Storing And Preserving Mangoes –

1. Aam Papad

A tangy dessert-like snack made of mango pulp. You just have to blend mango pulp with sugar and some salt, then spread it on a sheet to form a thin layer and let it dry. It’s a perfect small meal to carry around and eat on the go.

View Full Recipe Here.

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Aam Papad or mango fruit leather is a popular sweet snack. 

2. Mango Jam

Also known as Kairi Aani Kothimbiricha Tikhat Jam in some parts of India, this mango jam creates a terrific combination of sweet, tangy, sour and spicy flavours. Raw mango is boiled and mashed into a pulp, which is later combined with jaggery and roasted spices like cumin and chilli powder. If you want to make sweet mango jam, increase the amount of jaggery/sugar and replace spices with some lemon juice.

View Full Recipe Here.

3. Mango Pickle

The iconic pickle repertoire of Indian cuisine is probably captained by mango pickle. It is undisputedly the most popular pickle of all times – a great accompaniment for all Indian meals.

View Full Recipe Here.

4. Mango Chutney

This sweet mango chutney can liven up any meal. Pair it with parathas or breads and you’ll have a complete meal in itself to relish. Bonus – it’s super easy to make.

View Full Recipe Here.

mango chutney

Mango chutney can be easily made at home. 

5. Mango Dip

Add mango dip to your collection of salsa dip, mayonnaise and others. Blend mango pieces with vinegar and store in an airtight jar. Vinegar acts as a natural preservative. Use this dip to make different variations. We have an exciting mango feta cheese dip recipe for you.

View Full Recipe Here.

If you are a true mango lover, you have to try these recipes.

Revel in ‘Mango Magic’ all 365 days a year – your wish just came true!

About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.


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