LIVE market updates: The benchmark indices kicked off the week on an upbeat note amid mixed cues from global markets. In the morning, the Sensex surged 650 points at 59,420. The Nifty, meanwhile, was up 180 points, above the 17,700-mark, at 17,717. Top gainers on the 50-pack index include Divi’s Lab, Bajaj Finserv, NTPC and HDFC. Grasim, UPL, JSW Steel, and Eicher Motors remain top laggards.
On the sectoral front, all indices were in the green. Nifty Pharma, PSU Bank, Financial Services, and Realty rose over 1 per cent each. The broader indices, too, rose with the Nifty Midcap 100 up 0.9 per cent and the Smallcap 100 1.1 per cent.
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