Home Latest MH370 mystery: New technology could discover the last location of doomed flight

MH370 mystery: New technology could discover the last location of doomed flight

MH370 mystery: New technology could discover the last location of doomed flight


The Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared seven years ago on March 8, 2014. The plane took off from from Kuala Lumpur International Airport and was on its way to Beijing, when it made an unexplained U-turn away from its planned flight path.

The Boeing 777 flight had 239 people onboard.

The Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) could be used to work out the last location of the plane before it went missing above the Indian Ocean.

The technology works by tracking historical data of radio signals coming off planes and has given hope to experts that a specific underwater search area could be found.

The information is stored in a database every two minutes which records the location and timestamp.

The contact helps provide timelines of the direction the aircraft took, which can be challenging to monitor.

When the plane went missing, there were 200 signals on the database every two minutes.

Now the detections can be used to track the flight when it went out of range of radar systems.

Richard Godfrey, British aerospace engineer, conducted the tests and described the technology in an interview.

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However, despite covering 50,000 square miles of sea floor, they discovered nothing.

The team are open to starting a new search after the successful WSPR trials.

A spokesman said: “We are always interested in resuming the search whether as a result of new information or new technology.”


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