Home Latest Millets: Two gluten-free grains to add to your diet | The Times of India

Millets: Two gluten-free grains to add to your diet | The Times of India

Millets: Two gluten-free grains to add to your diet  | The Times of India


It is more satiating than any other grain due to its power loaded nutrient and complex carbohydrate content. And this helps to reduce weight as it keeps you full for a longer time and prevent you from binge eating.

Iron is very important for our body’s normal functioning. Deficiency of this mineral leads to anaemia, weakness and fatigue. Buckwheat is a good source of iron. So make this grain a part of your diet on non-fasting days too.

It is rich in magnesium and calcium, minerals that are required for healthy and stronger bones and teeth, promotes growth and development.

Among the other pseudocereals, buckwheat is a rich source of rutin antioxidants. It contains other antioxidants too like quercetin. Rutin has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help to remove potentially harmful substances called “free radicals” from our bodies. And thus it boosts immunity.

It’s a rich source of plant-based protein, especially contains a good amount of aspartic acid, arginine and lysine amino acids. These amino acids help in the regularization of hormones in the body. Studies show that intake of lysine may reduce anxiety also improves calcium absorption.


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