Home Latest Minneota voters approve technology levy, but not building bond

Minneota voters approve technology levy, but not building bond

Minneota voters approve technology levy, but not building bond


MINNEOTA — Voters in the Minneota Public School District were faced with a two-question special election on Tuesday. According to unofficial vote tallies, a proposal for a $500,000 annual technology levy passed, while a proposed $7.6 million building bond failed.

The first question on the ballot was a technology levy of $500,000 a year for 10 years. Minneota Superintendent Dan Deitte said the technology levy would be used to fund and enhance technology throughout Minneota schools. It would affect everything from Minneota’s one-to-one technology program for students, to equipment for career and technical education and infrastructure like computer servers.

The technology levy passed with 384 “yes” votes and 321 “no” votes, according to unofficial tallies.

The second question on the ballot was a $7.6 million building referendum that would fund several updates to Minneota schools, including building a cafetorium, adding permanent restrooms at the football field, and replacing the school’s playground and parking lot.

The building referendum received 325 “yes” votes and 379 “no” votes, according to unofficial tallies.

Deitte said the last time Minneota passed a building bond was in 2017.

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