Home Latest Missouri high schools who chose virtual learning can still participate in sports

Missouri high schools who chose virtual learning can still participate in sports

Missouri high schools who chose virtual learning can still participate in sports


During a virtual meeting of the Board of Directors, MSHSAA granted relief of two bylaws that “allows schools not meeting in-person to participate in MSHSAA activities” for the 2020-2021 school year only.

“The board discussed a request made by member schools to grant relief of the MSHSAA constitution, under the hardship provision of the MSHSAA constitution, for the 2020-21 school year only, waving the requirement for member schools to provide instruction in a building or buildings,” MSHSAA said in a news release.

“The board granted relief of the MSHSAA constitution, which provides a MSHSAA member school the ability to participate in activities if the school begins the school year or transitions to entirely virtual instruction, provided they are following all health department requirements and phases, if applicable.”

The MSHSAA board also said it will leave it up to local school districts to determine if they will proceed with sports and activities if they are in a virtual learning environment.

MSHSAA said students must meet all requirements for the local school, with the school having the ability to always be more restrictive.

Schools have until September 11 to notify MSHSAA if they have a sport that will not be able to participate in the postseason. The teams that will not be participating will be removed from the classification process for that specific sport, MSHSAA said.


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