Home Latest MLA’s Jim Whitehead Headed to Club Wolverine

MLA’s Jim Whitehead Headed to Club Wolverine

MLA’s Jim Whitehead Headed to Club Wolverine


Michigan Lakeshore Aquatics (MLA) coach Jim Whitehead is leaving his place to take a job with Club Wolverine.

Whitehead confirmed the transfer with Swimming World, saying he was “sad to leave” MLA, however is trying ahead to the brand new place.

Whitehead has been the pinnacle coach at MLA in Holland, Michigan, since 2016, and can now head throughout the state to Ann Arbor. He will likely be an affiliate head coach at Club Wolverine becoming a member of the employees with Gunnar Schmidt.

He has coached a gaggle that has despatched a plethora of swimmers to U.S. nationals and junior nationals every year.

Among the senior group was Devin Nowicki, who received the U.S. national championship within the 100 breaststroke in 2019.

Alabama swimmers Derek Maas and Kyle Maas skilled later of their careers with MLA after coming back from faculty seasons, whereas Michigan’s Kathryn Ackerman and Ohio State’s Morgan Kraus have additionally skilled in Holland with MLA.

MLA has been led by Whitehead and Ian Townsend.

No official phrase on how MLA at Holland Community Aquatic Center goes to deal with Whitehead’s departure when it comes to hiring.

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