Home Latest MobiusTrend: Hologram AR + Visual Technologies in e-Commerce

MobiusTrend: Hologram AR + Visual Technologies in e-Commerce

MobiusTrend: Hologram AR + Visual Technologies in e-Commerce


HONG KONG, Aug. 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MobiusTrend, a market research organization in Hong Kong, recently released a research report on ‘Hologram AR + Visual Technologies in e-Commerce‘. It has been 20 years since the advent of Internet search engines. During this time, search methods and patterns have changed dramatically. Meanwhile, visual search has been on the rise in recent years, and it has overlapped with the image research on the technology, but they are not the same. Concerning the inputting, visual research usually refers to the pattern of using a smartphone or other types of cameras to identify information about all objects in the physical world. Then, the search engine uses image recognition technology to identify the valid information it represents and present it to the audience in an intelligently displayed manner in a specific visual display application.

Google Goggles can be treated as the earliest visual search app when it was launched in 2009 by Google. Moreover, it was first developed for Android smartphones and later for iOS in 2010. The Goggles aims to search for information that identifies objects in the real world and allows it to search for products using the bar code of an object.

Visual search has great commercial potential because its model is searching for what users want to buy in the most direct way, as well as to retrieve relevant product information. But the existing text search and voice search can only find a range of current objects, which are difficult to achieve precise retrieval.

AR also opens up a whole new world of visual search. Ikea has developed apps that use AR technology to show the size and placement of furniture. Users can freely decorate their own coffee table, wallpaper, and lighting fixtures. At the same time, visual search can also have more applications to the aspects of spatial detection, intelligent decoration, and spatial beautification. Through the more precise visual search and recognition technology, users can screen out a lot of effective information. Moreover, AI can also take this opportunity to collect user data and launch personalized, customized services.

Facial recognition technology is a kind of biometric identification technology, which is based on facial feature information. It uses camera equipment to collect facial images or videos and extracts facial image features for searching and matching with feature templates stored in the database. When the similarity exceeds the set threshold, successful matching results will be output; otherwise, unsuccessful matching results will be output. Face recognition is based on digital image processing, which has always been a frontier research direction. The later stage of digital image processing technology will develop into artificial intelligence (AI).

WIMI’s holographic system is an exclusive research and development breakthrough. WIMI’s leading WIMI AI face technology application has gained lots of praise in this industry. Phones, equipped with WIMI’s facial recognition technology, can use face swiping to unlock. Sound system, equipped with speech recognition and speech recognition technology, can achieve voice interaction.

WIMI’s holographic cloud is a content delivery manner of augmented reality. Meanwhile, it allows you to see and interact with three-dimensional images that combine the non-existing objects with the real world. The images are projected from a mobile phone or computer onto other media via projection devices. Besides, the most commercially valuable aspect of WIMI is holographic technology.

WIMI AI-MBT platform is a high-performance holographic cloud management platform, which is mainly used to provide AR+3D applications for customers. WIMI opens its API interface to premium customers. Through API interface, media platforms can develop customized system functions, including automatic management of advertising resources, advertising resource analysis and internal system integration, customized special functions, a single platform to manage multiple accounts and a series of other functions. Media platforms can display their advertising space resources in an all-round way in front of advertisers.

There are some differences between AR search and visual search. Visual search refers to a search that uses the real world as input information of any objects. But the feedback of search results is limited to the device being used while guiding the users to visit web pages or applications. AR search is to enhance users’ cognition of the world around them, by superimposing information or visual effects on the surrounding environment and searching visual input and information output.

With the arrival of 5G commercial use and artificial intelligence, the Internet of everything is just around the corner. The accelerated development of visual networking will be conducive to the maturity and upgrading of the AR glasses industry. With the constant upgrade of intelligent hardware, the vigorous development of application ecology, and the continuous improvement of public awareness, the AR smart glasses industry will be greeted with rapid growth in a day.

About MobiusTrend

MobiusTrend Group is a leading market research organization in Hong Kong. They have built one of the premier proprietary research platforms on the financial market, emphasizing on emerging growth companies and paradigm-shifting businesses. MobiusTrend team is professional in market research reports, industry insights, and financing trends analysis. For more information, please visit http://www.mobiustrend.com/

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