Virginia high school sports have a plan to move forward this year. Following a unanimous vote by the Virginia High School League’s executive committee Thursday afternoon, the “Championship +1” model has been adopted.

In July the VHSL voted to delay sports until December, starting with the traditional winter season sports and followed by fall and spring sports. 

  • Season 1 (Winter) December 7 – February 20 (First Contest Date – December 21)
    — basketball, gymnastics, indoor track, swimming and diving, wrestling
  • Season 2 (Fall) February 4 – May 1 (First Contest Date – March 1)
    — competition cheerleading, cross country, field hockey, football, golf, volleyball
  • Season 3 (Spring) April 12 – June 26 (First Contest Date – April 26)
    — baseball, lacrosse, soccer, softball, tennis, track, and field
  • Academic Activities (December – June)
    — Theatre, Scholastic Bowl, Forensics, Debate, Robotics, Film Festival, Creative Writing, Publications Evaluation, and Multimedia Contest.

Thursday’s decision determined how many games teams would play and what the postseason would look like. The “+1” part of the name comes from the decision to allow teams not qualifying for regional play one additional regular-season contest. 

Teams are playing approximately 60% of the games they would play in a non-pandemic year. 

Football teams will play six games over seven dates. The first game could be played on Monday, Feb. 22, with game two played the following Saturday, Feb. 27. After that, games would be played on the next five Fridays, starting March 5. 

Teams would be allowed to begin on Friday, Feb. 26 and play for six straight Fridays if they choose. The reason for the Monday start is to give teams a chance to reschedule a game if postponed because of weather. 

In other sports, the number of regular-season contests includes: basketball (14), wrestling (8), volleyball (12), golf (8), competition cheer (3), baseball (12), softball (12), soccer (10), cross country (6), tennis (10), swim and dive (6), and outdoor and indoor track and field (9).

There will be no state quarterfinals, only state semifinals and championships. And only one team will advance from regionals to state play with the exception of cross country, which will now take two teams per region. Cross country was a change from the original draft.

Team state championships will be hosted by the team at the top of the bracket if the venue meets VHSL state tournament site requirements. Otherwise the game will be hosted in a facility in the geographic area that meets the requirements. 

Any game not played due to COVID-19 issues will be treated as a game “not played” versus a forfeit.

There have been some people around the state pushing the VHSL to begin sports earlier than December, but that doesn’t appear to be something the organization is even considering at this point. 

VHSL Executive Director Billy Haun said his office has been made aware of a petition with more than 5,000 signatures asking the VHSL to allow high school sports to return sooner than is currently scheduled. There’s also a movement in the state called Let Them Play that is asking the VHSL to reconsider its decision to delay playing sports until late December. 

In addition, the VHSL office has received a lot of emails. Many of those sending emails were upset that club sports are playing across the state while high school sports aren’t. Another concern was the mental and emotional toll that not playing sports has had on athletes. Other parents were worried that their children were missing out on scholarship opportunities by not playing this fall. 

The other concern Haun has heard is that others states are playing sports while Virginia isn’t. 

According to the executive director, 14 associations across the country are playing fall sports with no modifications, while 29 are playing with some modifications, and eight, including Virginia, are not playing at all. 

As for football, which always seems to the the biggest concern from parents and fans, Haun said 14 states are playing with no modifications, 19 are playing with some modifications and 18, including Virginia, are not playing any football this fall. 

“We understand and appreciate (parents’) passion and their advocacy for their children and their students,” Haun said. “We understand that. Losing last spring season was very difficult and now, not having competitions in the fall is difficult.”

Shannon Butler, the chairperson for the committee and the principal at York High School, wanted to make it clear that even if the VHSL executive committee voted to begin high school sports next week, that doesn’t mean every school would play. 

Butler said the VHSL doesn’t have authority over local school divisions. Schools that are currently attending school virtually would very likely not play. Per Haun, 82% of students throughout the state are attending virtually. 

“We can open sports up if we chose to do so,” she said. “That doesn’t mean all of our kids would be able to play.”

Jon Crutchfield, the principal at Franklin County High School, agreed with Butler. He said parents need to look at the big picture. 

“Superintendents have so much on their plate right now,” he said. “And getting in school safely is the number one priority.”

He understands there are those who aren’t happy with waiting to December, but he likes the plan the VHSL has established. 

“Fast is not always right,” Crutchfield said. 

Haun and the VHSL’s Tom Dolan have talked to Gov. Ralph Northam’s office and said there are likely no changes in Phase 3 guidelines coming soon, meaning the current restrictions in place will remain. 

The two did share concerns with the governor that the limit of 250 spectators at sporting events be increased once the VHSL returns to play. Haun was told those concerns would be considered and the VHSL could contact the governor’s office in late October or early November. 

“We understand this plan, or any plan, will not meet the expectations for those wanting a normal fall, winter, and spring sports season,” Haun said. “This plan, however, will allow student-athletes and academic activity participants the opportunity of having a season and playing for a state championship.”

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