Home Health Monsoon Special: 5 Vegetarian Snacks For Rainy Evenings

Monsoon Special: 5 Vegetarian Snacks For Rainy Evenings

Monsoon Special: 5 Vegetarian Snacks For Rainy Evenings



  • Monsoons are here in full swing
  • The nippy weather often intensifies our cravings for fried foods
  • There are a range of veg snacks you can prepare at home

The pitter-patter on our window panes, the sweet smell of rain-soaked mud, the pleasant nip in the year — it’s that time of the year again, our favourite season monsoon is here! Come monsoon and our cravings for fried goods hit the roof, another favourite is a roasted bhutta. In other words, there is something about rainy evenings that will always seem incomplete without crunchy snacks and chai. If you are looking for some savoury vegetarian ideas to make your evenings memorable, we have got you covered! Here are 5 options that will surely leave you drooling:

1. Kanda Bhajji

Deep fried, mildly-spiced onion fritters, sprinkled over with chaat masala. Pair it with zingy puidna chutney or sneak it inside pillowy pavs and chomp away.

(Also Read: )

onion pakoda

2. Idli Manchurian

Got left-over idlis? Give it a delicious oriental spin. Tossed in yummy sauce and spices, this idli manchurian would definitely be the talking point of the evening.

3. Moong Dal Samosa

You saw this coming, didn’t you? Fried puffed pastry with delectable potato filling, samosas would always have a soft-spot in every Indian’s heart. While you do not really need a reason to dig into this popular snack, but isn’t this weather just calling for it? Again, don’t forget to pair it with the right chutney.  

4. Baked Murukku

This crispy, coiled snack hailing from South India is typically fried, but this version is baked — hence considerably low on calories.

5. Aloo chaat

They say you should avoid eating street-side food during monsoons because the risk of infection is high. But that does not mean you cannot recreate your favourite street foods at home. This Delhi-special aloo chaat is every potato lover’s dream come true. Sizzling hot potatoes slathered over with masalas. There, we saw you slurping!


Try making all these yummy vegetarian snacks and let us know which ones you liked the best!

About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.


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