Home Health Mother’s Day 2023: Importance of Prioritizing Mental Health for New and Expectant Mothers

Mother’s Day 2023: Importance of Prioritizing Mental Health for New and Expectant Mothers

Mother’s Day 2023: Importance of Prioritizing Mental Health for New and Expectant Mothers


Motherhood is an extremely rewarding expertise, nevertheless it can be extremely difficult, significantly for brand spanking new and expectant moms. The bodily and emotional calls for of being pregnant, childbirth, and caring for a new child can take a toll on a mom’s psychological well being, and it’s important to prioritize their well-being throughout this time. Mental well being points similar to postpartum despair, nervousness, and stress can have an effect on a mom’s capability to take care of themselves and their youngster, impacting their total high quality of life.

Moreover, in at this time’s fast-paced world, moms typically face extra stressors, similar to work-life steadiness, monetary pressures, and societal expectations, including to their psychological load. It’s essential to acknowledge the significance of supporting moms’ psychological well being, not only for their very own well-being but in addition for the well-being of their households.

Dr Hira Mardi, Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Manipal Hospital Varthur says, “As expectant and new moms, it’s important to contemplate the psychological well-being of each mom and child. Mental well being can have a profound affect on bodily well being throughout being pregnant, childbirth, and past. It can be necessary to do not forget that maternal stress or nervousness can have an effect on the newborn’s growth in utero in addition to after delivery.”

Mothers serve as the foundation of families, and this strong foundation extends to society as a whole. However, they often carry immense responsibilities and are expected to effortlessly manage everything. “A popular phrase among working mothers captures this sentiment: ‘Working mothers are often expected to work as if they don’t have children and raise children as if they don’t work.’ This expectation frequently causes moms to hold themselves to unreasonable standards, which causes guilt when they eventually fall short. Balancing the demands of being a mother, employee, daughter-in-law, caretaker, and wife can be overwhelming, and in the process, mothers may prioritize everyone’s health except their own. As a result, many mothers struggle with anxiety, depression, insomnia, and somatic symptoms but may feel hesitant to seek help. This is particularly true for new mothers, who are often more vulnerable,” says Dr Gautami Nagabhirava, Consultant Psychiatrist, Kamineni Hospital, Hyderabad.

The concept that being pregnant and childbirth are all the time joyous and magical is a delusion that must be debunked. While some ladies might get pleasure from this expertise, most new moms face a variety of feelings that may be difficult to navigate. “Mental well being issues like postpartum despair, nervousness, and psychosis are prevalent, with one in three to 1 in 5 ladies in India affected, in keeping with the World Health Organization. However, societal stigma and lack of know-how typically stop ladies from searching for well timed therapy,” states Dr Nagabhirava.


One of the most common issues facing new mothers is postpartum depression (PPD). Approximately 10-15% of women experience PPD after giving birth; this condition can cause difficulty bonding with their baby, trouble breastfeeding, suicidal thoughts, or other serious symptoms if left untreated. “Early detection and treatment are key when it comes to managing PPD so that moms get proper care for themselves while still being able to provide quality care for their newborns. It’s also important for expecting parents—especially fathers—to be aware of potential signs of mental health problems such as mood swings or feelings of sadness or hopelessness in order to offer support early on if needed before things become more severe down the line,” provides Dr Mardi.

Why is it necessary for moms to maintain their psychological well being?

It is essential to teach new {couples} and households in regards to the potential dangers throughout being pregnant and the postpartum interval. Mental well being care suppliers must be accessible and approachable, and girls must be inspired to hunt assist with none disgrace or guilt. Dr Nagabhirava opines, “Mothers ought to prioritize their psychological and bodily wellbeing by working towards self-care methods like train, meditation, and pursuing their pursuits and hobbies. Families also needs to assist and recognize the efforts of moms, and acknowledge that investing of their psychological well being is important for the wellbeing of all.”

Additionally, seeking out counseling services from professionals who specialize in pre/postnatal mental health care may help prevent some issues from developing altogether by providing an outlet where individuals feel comfortable discussing any concerns they may have about parenthood beforehand.

“Considering both mom’s and babies’ emotional wellness should be a priority throughout pregnancy and postpartum period since ignoring these needs could lead to not only short-term but long-lasting effects which would ultimately affect everyone involved negatively. Taking proactive measures like talking openly about one’s emotions with trusted friends’/family members, utilizing professional resources available through hospitals/clinics near you, etc., will ensure better outcomes overall,” indicators off Dr Mardi.

Mothers are the spine of households, and their contribution to society is immeasurable. However, the challenges they face are actual and should be addressed by means of schooling, consciousness, and assist. Let us create a society the place motherhood is widely known and the place each mom can get pleasure from good psychological well being and wellbeing.

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