Home Health Move Over Paneer, Try These Chilly Soya Nuggets For Quick Vegetarian Party Snack

Move Over Paneer, Try These Chilly Soya Nuggets For Quick Vegetarian Party Snack

Move Over Paneer, Try These Chilly Soya Nuggets For Quick Vegetarian Party Snack



  • Paneer is used to make a bunch of quick snacks
  • Soya too is very versatile if given a chance
  • Soya chunks have a meat-like texture

Irrespective of the adrenaline rush associated with last-minute gatherings, mostly the experience is not entirely pleasurable for the one who is asked to take care of the food. There’s only so much creativity you can exhibit in such a short window of time, as a result of which you either consider ordering in or resort to ‘safe’ options. Think safe ideas, and our mind is crowded with 25 paneer and 33 aloo dishes we can make in under thirty minutes. While we are ardent fans of both, but it is sometimes a good idea to take a break from the ‘obvious’ and try your hands at something new and exciting, which is also at the same time very easy to put together. For instance, these chilly soya nuggets!

This chunky, chewy and chilly starter is a real show-stealer. It is ridiculously easy to make at home. All you need are the soya nuggets that you can easily find in any of your local grocery stores. Make sure you soak it in water for half an hour to soften it.

(Also Read: 10 Best Soya Recipes | Easy Soya Recipes | Popular Soya Recipes)

Soya is said to be an excellent source of protein, although this recipe does not use a lot of oil; if you can still cut back on it, then you could actually make yourself a super delicious, high-protein treat. Protein helps fill you up and thus you keep away from mindless munching.

Other star ingredients of the snack are garlic paste, soya sauce, vinegar, green chillies and onions. Mix the nuggets with salt and garlic paste nicely and keep it aside. In another pan, heat some oil and stir-fry some onions until they turn brown at the edges. Add other ingredients, throw in the soya nuggets toss everything well. All the nuggets should be nicely intermixed with the masala. Serve it hot with some herbs or greens.

Here is the complete recipe Chilly Soya Nuggets with ingredients. 

Try making the recipe at home and let us know how it worked out. We would love to know how you liked it. While the nuggets are so saucy and eclectic on their own, they do not need any accompaniment. But if you still feel there is something amiss, you can serve it with a bowl of ketchup or garlic mayonnaise.

(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)

About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.


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