Home Entertainment Munching on mankind: 10 films that bring out the beast

Munching on mankind: 10 films that bring out the beast

Munching on mankind: 10 films that bring out the beast


While we may the smartest creatures on the planet, that doesn’t stop us from doing some really stupid things – like messing with Mother Nature. When we do, we can end up being the tastiest creatures on the planet.

Through the years, films have not shied away from showing mankind getting haughty with critters resulting in homo sapien hors d’oeuvres. The most famous of these mankind munch movies is unquestionably “Jaws” where a great white shark dines on a human smorgasbord. Hold the mayo.

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If you enjoyed “Jaws,” it’s a safe bet you’ll eat up, so to speak, the following 10 films where humans either get consumed or have their bodies seriously compromised. For variety’s sake, each film focuses on a different beast. Note that if you’re looking for great movies, many of these selections don’t exactly scream quality, but they are entertaining in their own disturbing way. You just have to have the stomach for them. They are listed in alphabetical order. Most are available on services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and others.

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“ANACONDA” (1997) – This film contains without a doubt one of the greatest scenes in film history – OK, substitute greatest for grossest – where the title character actually barfs up Jon Voight. This scene alone makes this film worth watching. Apparently even the snake couldn’t tolerate Voight’s Spanish accent. Directed by Luis Llosa, the film follows a documentary film crew into the Amazon rainforest where they encounter a Paraguayan snake hunter played by Voight. The gang soon encounters a large reptile with a hankering for humans. The cast includes Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube and Eric Stoltz. 

“DEEP BLUE SEA” (1999) – Like “Anaconda,” this film contains a very memorable scene. Sorry, no spoilers on this one. It’s just too much fun. Directed by Renny Harlin, the film tells the tale of a team of scientists conducting Alzheimer’s disease research on genetically engineered mako sharks in an underwater facility. What could possibly go wrong? The cast includes Saffron Burrows, Michael Rapaport, LL Cool J and Samuel L. Jackson. Unlike “Jaws,” the sharks here, thanks to computer generation, look horrifyingly real.

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“FROGS” (1972) – A family patriarch played by Ray Milland doesn’t much care for ecological correctness and pays the price. Dump nasty materials into a swamp to kill frogs and you’re bound to get them, well, hopping mad. Other creatures don’t approve either. Stick around for the ending credits. Like Voight, Milland is an Oscar winner. The cast also includes Oscar nominee Sam Elliott in one of his early film roles. George McGowan directed. Did you hear a rib-it?

“JURASSIC PARK” (1993) – Steven Spielberg, who directed “Jaws,” also helmed this film. Evidently he has no qualms about serving human beings on a platter. Here, they become chum for dinosaurs created by genetic scientists to serve as attractions at a theme park. What could possibly go wrong? The beasties include a Tyrannosaurus rex and velociraptors. Neither qualifies as a vegetarian. The cast includes Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough and, once again, Samuel L. Jackson. Based on a Michael Crichton novel, the film won three Oscars.

“KING KONG” – Three versions to choose from: the original from 1933 starring Fay Wray, the 1976 remake starring Jessica Lang or the 2005 remake starring Naomi Watts. Most Kong aficionados prefer the original and have few kind words for the 1976 film. I’m partial to the 2005 movie directed and co-written by Peter Jackson. Advancements in special effects help. I also think the relationship between Watts’ character and the giant ape displays more – dare I say passion? Here, we have a story where humans take a creature out of his element to make a buck. This time the creature pays the price.

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“LAKE PLACID” (1999) – This film has absolutely nothing to do with the 1932 or 1980 Winter Olympics. It is instead about a very, very large crocodile residing in a lake where it makes snacks out of swimmers. Directed by Steve Miner and written by Belmont’s own David E. Kelley, the film stars Bill Pullman, Bridget Fonda, Oliver Platt, Brendan Gleeson and the great Betty White, who steals the show.

“MOBY DICK” (1956) – You read the Herman Melville novel. Now watch the film directed by John Huston and starring Gregory Peck as Captain Ahab. After an unpleasant encounter with a sperm whale, the mildly obsessed captain seeks revenge. The title character is not amused.

“ORCA” aka “ORCA: THE KILLER WHALE” (1977) – You know those family friendly “Free Willy” movies starring a lovable orca? This film isn’t remotely like those feel-good fables. The orca is also called a killer whale because – guess what? – it kills whales. It also kills seals, dolphins, fish and what else? Well, let’s just assume if one was hungry and a human was swimming in the vicinity, the human might as well lather himself with tartar sauce. In this film, an orca is out for revenge after a human kills its pregnant wife and unborn calf. Based on Arthur Herzog’s novel and directed by Michael Anderson, the film stars Richard Harris, Charlotte Rampling and Will Sampson.

“PIRANHA” (1978) – OK, here’s the pitch. Instead of a shark, let’s put genetically altered piranha in a river at a summer resort and ring the dinner bell. Now you might want to jump to the conclusion that this film is a shameless rip-off of “Jaws.” All right, take the leap. Directed by Joe Dante and written by John Sayles, who would later write and direct such notable films as “Lone Star” and “Passion Fish,” “Piranha” stars Bradford Dillman, Heather Menzies and Kevin McCarthy.

“THEM!” (1954) – Remember those atomic bomb tests in New Mexico? Ever think what that radiation would do to any animals in the neighborhood, like, for example, ants? Why, they might grow into huge insects with murder on their minds. Time to put away that bug spray and take out a machine gun. Directed by Gordon Douglas, the film stars James Whitmore, Edmund Gwenn, Joan Weldon and James Arness in one of the first “nuclear monster” movies.




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