Home Entertainment Mzansi reacts to Ntsiki Mazwai’s comments on men in the entertainment industry

Mzansi reacts to Ntsiki Mazwai’s comments on men in the entertainment industry

Mzansi reacts to Ntsiki Mazwai’s comments on men in the entertainment industry


By Entertainment Writer Time of article published6h ago

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Ntsiki Mazwai ruffled feathers this week after she made comments about men within the South African entertainment industry.

The controversial poet and singer took to Twitter to suggest that men in entertainment are most likely to rape because they do not understand when women say no.

“Men in entertainment are most likely to rape because they are used to female attention and don’t understand when a woman says no….They are not used to no so they just take what they think they deserve. WAKE UP”, she tweeted.

Ntsiki is not the only famous face in Mzansi to take aim at men in SA.

Earlier this week rapper Boity called men “roaches”.

Her comments came after the backlash Mihlali Ndamase faced after saying that she goes on dates with several guys, even being called a “loose woman“.

The “Wuz Dat?“ singer joined in, sharing her disdain for South African men. Replying to a tweet asking women to refrain from going back and forth with men trying to argue about Mihlali’s video she said: ”They DGAF. Don’t let the roaches bring you down to their level.“ (sic)

While many agreed with Ntsiki and the comments she made, others felt that she was wrong.

“To be Honest Ntsiki is right, it’s the same thing with rich and powerful men,” said one user.

Another said: “I agree that people who are not used to hearing no will take what they feel they deserve because “how can you say no and bruise my ego when I have so much better waiting for me but I chose you”


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