Home Latest National Nutrition Week 2020: 5 essential nutrients women should include in their daily diet

National Nutrition Week 2020: 5 essential nutrients women should include in their daily diet

National Nutrition Week 2020: 5 essential nutrients women should include in their daily diet


In today’s hectic and fast-paced life, it is important to take care of physical and mental health. Here are some nutrients that women should include in their daily diet

Publish Date: Wed, 02 Sep 2020 02:38 PM IST

New Delhi | Jagran Lifestyle Desk: Today’s hectic and fast-paced life has drastically affected people’s mental and physical health. Even after knowing the importance of a healthy, planned and nutritious diet we end up eating packed and unhealthy food. Especially women face bigger challenges to keep a healthy and nutritious routine while balancing the demands of family and work. Also, women undergo various biological changes throughout their life which needs special attention. Women go through several phases in their lifetime like Menstruation, breastfeeding, menopause, pregnancy and other hormonal changes, which develops many changes in the body. It causes a high risk of anemia, deficiency of vitamins, weekend bones, PCOD, deficiency of iron, calcium, magnesium and much more. So, they need to add the necessary supplements to their diet.

Calcium: Women aged between 19 to 50 should add 1,000mg calcium per day in their daily diet. Heather Schwartz, MS, RD, a medical nutrition therapist at Stanford University Hospital said, “Getting enough calcium is important for all ages, but it’s particularly important during adolescence and early adulthood.” The best source of calcium is dairy products.

Iron: Consumption of Iron is very important for women as it is essential for healthy blood cells. It is suggested, they should consume Iron supplements during menstruation otherwise it can cause anemia, low blood pressure, fatigue and impaired immunity. Green vegetables are iron-rich.

Vitamin D: Several studies found that a large percentage of women face Vitamin D deficiency. They need to include eggs, shrimp, salmon Vitamin D fortified milk in their regular diet. A 20-minute walk in morning sunlight will also help.

Folic Acid: Women need to take Folic Acid rich supplements during pregnancy, it helps prevent neural tube defects. The green leaves foods are a rich source for Folic Acid.

Magnesium: It has a very essential role in the human diet as calcium cannot be absorbed with the required amount of magnesium in the body. Magnesium helps the absorption of calcium from the blood. Magnesium is easily available in green vegetables, halibut, summer squash and a variety of seeds.

Posted By: Srishti Goel


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