Home Latest National Nutrition Week 2020: Different diets and how they facilitate your nutritional intake

National Nutrition Week 2020: Different diets and how they facilitate your nutritional intake

National Nutrition Week 2020: Different diets and how they facilitate your nutritional intake


The first week of September marks the National Nutrition Week in India. It is an annual event which was launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development’s Food and Nutrition Board in 1982.

It seeks to raise awareness about the importance of proper nutrition in a diet for a healthy body. A well-balanced diet that includes various essential nutrients plays a significant role in the growth and development of our mind and body; which is why health experts emphasize the importance of eating vegetables and fruits as a part of our daily intake.

With various dietary options available, people’s consumption has become anything but standardised. Different bodies have different nutritional requirements and experts encourage people to follow only those diets that satisfy their body’s nutritional needs. Here is a list of the most popular diets which are followed around the world and the nutritional information about each of them.

Atkins Diet:

This diet focuses primarily on regulating the levels of insulin in the body through a low-carbohydrate diet. When large amounts of refined carbohydrates are consumed, it leads to the insulin levels in the body rising and falling rapidly, which triggers the body to store energy from the consumed food, turning into fat and making it less likely to be used as a source of energy later. The nutritional focus in the Atkins diet ensures that your body gets acclimated to eating more vegetables instead of junk foods that are high in carbohydrates.

Zone Diet:

The Zone diet fulfils the requirements for a more balanced diet that includes, 40% carbohydrates, 30% fats, and 30% protein in each meal. The focus here as well is to regulate the levels of insulin in the body which results in better weight loss and body weight control. The carbohydrates consumed during this diet should have a low glycaemic index, which ensures the slow release of sugar in the body, which in turn keeps you feeling full for longer periods of time.

Ketogenic Diet:

Through the years, a ketogenic diet has proven to have many benefits, especially in the treatment of epilepsy. This diet follows almost minimal carbohydrate consumption and an increase in the fat intake. As controversial as they may sound in terms of diets, this ensures that the body burns fat for energy in place of carbohydrates. This diet causes the breakdown of fat deposits for fuel and the creation of ketones in the body which lead to the body going into ketosis. This diet is supplemented with avocados, coconuts, Brazil nuts, seeds, oily fish and meats.

Vegetarian Diet:

Though there are various types of vegetarian diets, the most popularly followed one is the lacto-ovo one, which excludes all animal-based foods, except for eggs, dairy, and honey. History shows evidence of the fact that a vegetarian diet leads to lesser weight gain and ensures less development of diseases. Due to a primarily plant, vegetable and fruit-based diet, vegetarians do not feel the lack of any nutrients and though the lack of meat can reduce the intake of protein, it can be supplemented through various dals and milk.

Vegan Diet:

Veganism has turned into more of a lifestyle choice and philosophy rather than simply a diet. It excludes the consumption of anything that is animal-based, this includes dairy, honey, milk, and eggs. Veganism focuses on the benefits of this practice for the environment and for more ethical and compassionate reasons. Even through a vegan diet, you can get most of the nutrients required by the body through various plants and fruits. Foods rich in carbohydrates can supplement a vegan diet very well.

Raw Food Diet:

As the name suggests, a raw food diet means the consumption of only those foods and drinks that are not processed and are completely plant based, and ideally organic. This diet also follows the rule that dictates that a person’s daily food intake should consist of three-quarters of uncooked food. A majority of the population that follow this diet are also vegan which helps people in following this diet as they can consume more fruits and raw vegetables. This diet provides the body with a greater amount of nutrition as it is said that cooking or heating the food destroys the nutrients and natural enzymes present in it.

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