Home Entertainment Neha Dhupia reacts after Suchitra Krishnamoorthi calls her Karan Johar’s bestie

Neha Dhupia reacts after Suchitra Krishnamoorthi calls her Karan Johar’s bestie

Neha Dhupia reacts after Suchitra Krishnamoorthi calls her Karan Johar’s bestie


Actress Neha Dhupia has reacted to allegations by actress Suchitra Krishnamoorthi that she is a sycophant and the new best friend of filmmaker Karan Johar. Suchitra had levelled the charges on her verified Twitter account.

Responding to Suchitra’s charges, Neha tweeted on Saturday afternoon: “Dear ma’am, this is possibly the most distasteful and disgraceful tweet I have ever read (trust me I have read a lot) to reduce a friendship of many years, that you know nothing about speaks volumes of you and the time you have at hand. I am proud to be self-made… a proud daughter, wife and mother and I have the deepest regards for women who can acknowledge that. #strongwomensupportstrongwomen.”

Earlier, levelling her allegation, Suchitra had tweeted: “Peeps its not #nepotisminbollywood one shld aggravate against but chamchagiri. I mean how did #nehadhupia suddenly get all these talk shows except that she is #karanjohars new bestie and #femina Missindia 2002!! – shes no blood relative or star kid is she.”

Suchitra had posted another tweet on Saturday clarifying her previous tweet. She wrote: “I knew i would get trolled. I have nothing personal against anyone. Of course nobody survives without talent. But do hear what a lot of people are saying – and young kids being boycotted bec of this whole nepotism debate. Its groupism that thrives (I used the word chamchagiri).”

The nepotism debate has gained fresh momentum after the demise of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput on June 14, as netizens feel the late actor was a victim of the alleged practice in the film industry where star kids are given priority over outsiders.

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