Home Latest Neo4j appoints Perum Peruri as distributor for graph knowledge expertise in Indonesia – ETCIO SEA

Neo4j appoints Perum Peruri as distributor for graph knowledge expertise in Indonesia – ETCIO SEA

Neo4j appoints Perum Peruri as distributor for graph knowledge expertise in Indonesia – ETCIO SEA


<p>Picture used for representational purposes only.</p>
Picture used for representational functions solely.

Neo4j®, the graph database and analytics chief, has appointed Perum Peruri, the Republic of Indonesia’s Bank Notes and Certificate Printing Public Company, as a distributor to ship Neo4j’s market-leading graph technology options pivotal for organisations to achieve invaluable insights, handle complicated and rapidly-changing calls for and energy mission-critical functions.

Under the settlement, the state-owned security-printing firm will work intently with Neo4j on a mixed go-to-market technique to extend Neo4j’s footprint in Indonesia.

Perum Peruri has expanded its attain through the years to develop into a trusted ICT accomplice, sealing key wins with authorities entities and securing quite a lot of exterior partnerships with market-leading trade gamers, from expertise and finance to manufacturing. The organisation believes that an rising variety of Indonesian corporations are turning to graph data expertise to seek out hidden relationships and patterns throughout billions of data connections.

“As a state-owned company that provides secure digital technology solutions, we serve a multitude of customers, especially government departments such as the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, the Ministry of State Apparatus Utilisation and Bureaucratic Reform and many others – all of whom have critical demands. We decided to partner with Neo4j as we see a strong potential to expand our reach to target new customers and work closely with other state-owned enterprises and agencies by offering the best graph data and analytics solution in the market,” mentioned Farah F Rahmayanti, Head of Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Digital, Perum Peruri.

Graph expertise adoption continues to speed up in Indonesia as organisations search higher methods to trace and visualise knowledge lineages and rapidly establish and resolve challenges of any measurement and scale. According to Gartner, graph applied sciences shall be utilized in 80% of knowledge and analytics improvements by 2025, up from 10% in 2021, to facilitate speedy decision-making in organisations.

As Indonesia pursues its aim to deliver ASEAN nearer to a single regional digital neighborhood, graph expertise shall be a strong instrument in breaking down boundaries and unlocking new capabilities and alternatives to spice up the nation’s competitiveness and assist obtain long-term financial objectives as outlined within the Digital Indonesia Road Map by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

“Neo4j continues to push the limits of graph technology to enable more industries to solve modern data problems. Our partnership will empower Perum Peruri and its network to unlock richer insights and make more accurate analysis and predictions with their existing data. With Neo4j’s scalability, Indonesian organisations can easily accommodate application changes without disrupting existing functionality, allowing them to continuously upgrade their services and stay ahead of the competition,” mentioned Reza Pahlevi, Managing Director, Neo4j Indonesia.

The newest partnership signifies Neo4j’s rising dedication to Indonesia. In 2022, Neo4j partnered with IYKRA, Indonesia’s main synthetic intelligence (AI) and knowledge information supplier, to ship free AI coaching to help Indonesia’s Emas 2045 imaginative and prescient to develop into a developed nation. Participants obtain Neo4j AuraDB Free coaching to develop into a licensed graph database engineer, mentoring from IYKRA knowledge specialists, and work on real-life initiatives. Neo4j additionally launched the Graphs4ID initiative, in collaboration with KORIKA, Indonesia’s Artificial Intelligence Industry Research and Innovation Collaboration, to foster tech expertise and leverage Neo4j’s graph knowledge platform as the inspiration for the National AI Blueprint in the direction of the federal government’s 2045 imaginative and prescient.

  • Published On Jul 26, 2023 at 08:10 AM IST

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