Home Entertainment New entertainment district officially opens in Greenville’s West End

New entertainment district officially opens in Greenville’s West End

New entertainment district officially opens in Greenville’s West End


GREENVILLE (WSPA) — People in Greenville now have a new entertainment venue to enjoy.

The Greenville Drive held a ribbon cutting event to unveil the newest attraction right outside of Fluor Field in Greenville’s West End.

“This is a very special day for us, one where we’re unveiling the city’s newest world-class amenities. That makes Greenville such an attractive place, but it also happens to be the 16th annual Green Day, which is the day that we celebrate Greenville’s birthday,” said Craig Brown, Owner of the Greenville Drive.

“Now, Fluor Field has become known as the front porch of the community, and not just the front porch of the Main Street community, but the front porch of the entire community,” Brown said. “And that’s something that we’re very proud of. And you can be sure that District 356 is going to allow us to grow the impact that Fluor Field has had.”

The City of Greenville and Greenville Drive have been talking about this project for years. Now, this will be a place where people can go to have a ball.

“I think it’s going to bring a lot of people closer and get out more and do things together more as families,” said Joanne Coffey, a resident.

“Right now, I’m standing, at I think ground zero, of fun for families, fun for all ages. So, we’ve got a Sports Museum. We’ll have street performers. We will have face painters, balloon artists. You’ll see inflatables. You’ve got food trucks. You got musicians in all kinds of places. We have all kinds of things going on in this pedestrian only zone. And it’ll be a carnival like atmosphere In the spring, in the summer, and in the fall,” Brown said.

The new entertainment district is already a big hit for the little ones.

“We love the bouncy houses and other stuff,” said Harmony.

The carnival like atmosphere is modeled after a street outside of the Boston Red Sox’s Fenway Park.

“This new street is kind of cool, because I’ve been to actual Fenway too, so it kind of reminds me of it. It looks real similar,” said Isaac McKitrick, event attendee.

“It’ll be a carnival like atmosphere in the spring, in the summer, and in the fall, but it’s also a gathering place. It’ll also be an extension for what comes out of Fluor Field, like our Halloween Greenville Monster Mash, Greenville Christmas Village, holiday village,” Brown said.

The new area is not just for baseball lovers.

“This is the beginning for a lot of things for our community,” said Lillian Brock Flemming, Greenville City Council.

“Please come and enjoy this baseball field, as well as this particular community, because it’s for the community. So we’re excited. Thank you for coming,” Flemming said. “So let’s play ball.”

Leaders said what people saw on Wednesday was just the beginning. More activities and events will be coming in the future.

“Blood drives, food drives. So District 356 will be jumping 365 days a year. As exciting as this is, we are not done. This is just the beginning, you can look for the drive to have further announcements,” Brown said.


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