Home Entertainment NFDC Film Bazaar to be held online amid pandemic | Entertainment

NFDC Film Bazaar to be held online amid pandemic | Entertainment

NFDC Film Bazaar to be held online amid pandemic | Entertainment


Film Bazaar, organised by the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC), announced on Tuesday that this year’s edition, to be held from November 20-24, will be a virtual event. The development came a week after Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant announced the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) – alongside which Film Bazaar is organised – would be held in the state in November as per schedule. According to the official Twitter handle of NFDC Film Bazaar, the 2020 edition would go completely online. “It gives us immense joy to announce NFDC Film Bazaar will be held online from November 20-24, 2020. “Get ready to experience South Asia’s largest film market virtually. More updates coming soon! #NFDC #FilmBazaar2020 #FilmBazaarOnline,” the tweet read. Sawant’s decision to proceed with IFFI invited criticism from the opposition Congress, which said it was not advisable to host the festival in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and urged the state government to reconsider its decision.

IFFI is held annually in the coastal state between November 20 and 28. The festival is organised by the Directorate of Film Festivals in association with the state government’s Entertainment Society of Goa.


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