Home Latest Niagara Falls City School District making sure students and parents have technology for remote learning

Niagara Falls City School District making sure students and parents have technology for remote learning

Niagara Falls City School District making sure students and parents have technology for remote learning


NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (WIVB)–Niagara Falls City School District is making sure students and parents have access to technology for remote learning.

That’s just one of the topics covered in the final virtual town hall for parents today.

One issue that’s come up with remote learning is– whether students have a laptop or internet at home if a parent wants their child to learn 100% remotely.

The Niagara Falls City School District will provide students with a laptop and WiFi device.

Parents will have to send a letter either by mail or email to the district by 4 p.m. this Friday if their child needs a laptop and WiFi device.

In the letter, parents need to include their name, the child’s name, school and grade, and whether they need both.

It will be one laptop per student, for those who need it.

Some of the lessons will be live, some will be recorded according to Superintendent Mark Laurrie.

Many parents had questions about what will be on the laptops.

Parent or guardians will be required to come to a school to pick up those items.

They’ll get more information around September 10th on days and locations to pick those up from their child’s school.

A parent also suggested having another virtual town hall on how to use the virtual programs with remote learning which Laurrie agreed to do.

Laurrie says BOCES is offering in person learning five days week.


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