
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic presenting a myriad of challenges for school districts, the North Central Missouri Conference has released a document as guidance for “opening up” sports and activities in preparation for the fall seasons and beyond.

A news release says the plan for opening sports and activities was developed using guidelines provided by the Missouri State High School Athletic Association, School Reopening Plans, approval by local health departments and formal or informal approval by the school boards.

Administrators say the physical and psychosocial benefits of education-based activity participation are numerous. Students who participate in school activities learn life lessons in an environment that cannot be duplicated. The academic achievements, social and leadership skills, as well as overall mental health are known to be greatly enhanced in students who participate in a school activity compared to those who do not. The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in NCMC students missing out on these life-shaping educational experiences over the past several months.

Conference officials, however, acknowledge there are infection risks. The risk of coronavirus transmission will still be present to some degree as school activities begin in August and possibly through the 2020-2021 school year. The NCMC School Districts recognize these risks and will implement practices to reasonably mitigate these risks. Participation in school activities is voluntary, and every individual will need to evaluate the risk versus the benefits of activity participation. Those immunocompromised students and staff, or those who live with family members with elevated health concerns, should evaluate associated risks of participation and may choose not to participate. The primary means of coronavirus transmission is through respiratory droplets. Risk mitigation strategies are implemented to reduce the likelihood of a person’s respiratory droplets being exposed to another person. Every sport is different, and every activity is different. Certain mitigation strategies may be feasible in one sport or for one activity, but not another.

The Superintendent will be the point person to disseminate the constantly changing information and oversee their school district’s risk-mitigation strategies. School leaders, coaches and directors will need to determine how best to implement all reasonable risk-mitigation strategies. Furthermore, the athletic director will be responsible for ensuring screening is implemented and any positive screen or test must meet the MSHSAA and district protocols for return to participation. School leaders will remain in regular consultation with their local health departments to review and evaluate strategies applicable to their unique facilities and activities.

Frequently Asked Questions
(These are subject to change as new information/guidelines are released.)

Q1. Will MSHSAA conduct sports/activities regular seasons or postseason events if schools are closed
statewide (apart from regularly scheduled school breaks)?
A1. If schools statewide are closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, MSHSAA will be unable to allow for either a regular season or a postseason series in MSHSAA sports and activities.

Q2. Will MSHSAA conduct sports/activities regular seasons or postseason events if schools are closed
only in COVID-19 “hotspots” in our state?
A2. If a majority of schools are open for in-person learning, efforts will be made to administer a regular season and postseason for those schools/students who are permitted to do so based on
the guidelines of the local and state health departments. In this scenario, MSHSAA does not intend to revoke the participation opportunities for students who are able to take part.

Q3. Based on changing conditions regarding the pandemic, would MSHSAA consider conducting a
sports/activities regular season in sports/activities deemed “lower- risk” for COVID-19 transmission while canceling athletics/activities considered “higher-risk?”
A3. As of July 1, the MSHSAA Board of Directors believes it would not be in the best interest of our state to pick and choose which sports/activities would be permitted to continue to have a season while at the same time restricting other sports/activities from continuing due to public health concerns. Throughout the year, the MSHSAA Board will monitor and evaluate circumstances and consult with public health officials to make decisions in the best interest of all students.

Q4. Might there be restrictions unique to our state – or regions of our state – that need to be taken into consideration when returning to activities and participation?
A4. Yes. Since it is possible to have different areas of our state following a different set of guidelines/restrictions/allowances, it is quite possible that not all school in Missouri will return to sports/activities at the same rate or under the same expectations, and some may need to halt participation during the year for a period of time if conditions warrant.

Q5. Our school districts have decided to offer their own district virtual learning option this year for parents who do not feel comfortable having their student attend in person school. Will students enrolled in their district’s virtual learning option be allowed to participate in sports?
A5. That depends on the District’s decision. On August 5, 2020, MSHSAA released that they will allow students who enroll in virtual learning to participate in MSHSAA sports. Therefore, some NCMC school districts are honoring the recommendation provided by MSHSAA for any student enrolled in their District’s virtual learning option. Other districts’ Board policy does not allow students who study at a distance to participate.

Q6. Can parents who homeschool their children, like parents who enroll in their district’s virtual-learning option will also be able to participate in extracurricular activities?
A6. No. They can only if they follow the board policy for Non-Traditional Students.

Pre-participation Physical Evaluations (Physicals): All students are required to provide a completed physical form prior to participating in any sports or activities. NOTE: At this time, students are required to have a completed physical done every two years. So if a student has a physical on file from the 2019-20 school year, they do not need to obtain another physical until the 2021-22 school year.

The guidelines that have been approved by the Board of Education, local health departments and other medical experts will be followed in this plan. Individual sports and activities will provide guidelines for their specific sport/activity based on these approved plans.

— Individual sports/activities will reduce group sizes by limiting the number of spectators, according to the risk level determined by using the Harvard Global Health Institute Method. If two or more conference schools are participating in an event, the highest risk level will govern the activity. Districts may reduce the number of spectators, but will not exceed the number assigned by risk level.
— Tier 1 (Essential): Participants, Coaches/Directors, Officials, Event Staff, Medical Staff, Security, Media, Biological parents/guardian(s);
— Tier 2 (Preferred): Spectators (Limit six per participant);
— Tier 3 (Non-essential): Spectators (No limit per participant), Concessions/Vendors.
— When hosting or visiting another NCMC district, teams, groups and/or individuals from both (or all) schools will participate at the highest risk level of either team(s). For example, if one team is red and the other team is orange, the event/game will not be forfeited but recorded as a “cancelled” event/game. If one school is at the yellow level and the other(s) is at orange, both (all) will participate at the orange level. If one school is at green and the other school(s) is yellow, participation is at the yellow level.

• Individual sports/activities will utilize outdoor practices/rehearsals when possible.
— Individual sports/activities will break into small groups for rest breaks and water breaks during practice. Congregating should not be allowed.
— When not directly participating in practices, rehearsals or contests, every effort will be taken to maintain current social distancing between everyone. Tape and other markers may need to be used as a guide.
— Upon entering the athletic facilities, spectators will be highly encouraged to wear a mask if they are unable to social distance from other spectators or game personnel.

— The Athletic Director will be responsible for ensuring screening is implemented and any positive screen or test must meet the approved protocols for return to participation.
— Before practices/rehearsals, any student, coach, director, etc., must not attend if they have a temperature or have the symptoms listed. If home temperatures and/or random school-day temperature checks are greater than of equal to 100 degrees, the participant must stay home and not come to practice/rehearsals/competition. Random temperature checks will be done during extracurricular sports/activities practices, rehearsals, events.

Symptoms may include:
— Fever (temperature greater than 100 degrees);
— cough (new or worsening);
— shortness of breath or trouble breathing;
— sore throat (different from seasonal allergies);
— new loss of smell or taste; and/or
— vomiting or diarrhea.

Prior to return to participation after a quarantine period, a participant, coach/director must provide written clearance by a healthcare provider if possible, and this will be confirmed by the Athletic Director and/or Superintendent prior to return.

A record should be kept of all individuals present daily.

Positive Testing:
— The Athletic Director will be responsible for ensuring any positive test meets the approved protocols for return to participation.
— If a student, coach or director tests positive for COVID-19 on any laboratory test, they must:
— Notify the Athletic Director or Superintendent who will begin contact tracing within the school district and provide that information to the local health departments.
— All participants who had close contact up to six feet for 15 minutes or longer will be reported to the local health departments to enable accurate and timely contact tracing.
— If there was doubt of who the individual came into contact with, then the entire team/group that practiced/rehearsed or competed with the individuals should be quarantined for 14 days. Teams/groups will keep documentation of names and contact information of opposing teams/groups, coaches/directors, and officials for contact tracing purposes.

— Cleaning/disinfecting supplies that are approved by the Center for Disease Control will be used.
— Cleaning schedules will be created and implemented for all athletic facilities and music classrooms to mitigate any communicable diseases.
— Prior to an individual or groups of individuals entering a facility, hard surfaces within that facility will be wiped down and sanitized (door handles, chairs, furniture in meeting rooms, locker rooms, weight room equipment, bathrooms, athletic training room tables, storage rooms, instrumental equipment, etc.).
— Individuals will wash their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with water and soap before touching any surfaces or participating in workouts or rehearsals.
— Hand sanitizer will always be plentiful and available to individuals and locations.
— Weight equipment, musical equipment, etc. will be wiped down thoroughly before and after an individual’s use of equipment.
— Any equipment such as weight benches, athletic pads, etc., having holes with exposed foam will be covered.
— Participants will be encouraged to shower and wash their workout clothing immediately upon returning home. Plastic bags may be provided for athletes to take their dirty clothing home.

Physical Activity and Athletic/Activities Equipment:
— Towels, clothing or shoes will not be shared between participants.
— Participants will wear their own appropriate workout clothing (do not share clothing), and individual clothing/towels will be washed and cleaned after every workout.
— Coaches will refrain from sharing practice/scrimmage jerseys or scrimmage hats/caps.
— Hand sanitizer will be plentiful at all contests and practices/rehearsals.
— Athletic equipment such as bats, batting helmets and catcher’s gear should be cleaned between each practice or game. Other equipment, such as football helmets/other pads, should be worn by only one individual and not shared.
— Masks or face coverings are highly encouraged for participants any time they are not doing strenuous activity. Masks or face coverings are required for coaches/directors and officials any time they are within six feet of another individual.
— Maximum lifts will be limited, and power cages should be used for squats and bench presses. Spotters will stand at each end of the bar with the use of a mask.

— All participants will be required to bring and fill their own water containers/bottles. Water containers/bottles must not be shared.
— Communal drink stations such as hydration carts will not be used. Participants are encouraged to bring larger than normal water containers to limit the need for refilling. Procedures to refill water containers will be established. Coolers will be sanitized daily.
— Managers are not allowed to assist with personal water containers of participants and/or staff.

Transportation to Events:
— All students/staff are required to wear face masks while being transported on the bus.
— Coaches/directors will have assigned bus seating so contact tracing may be done and germs are minimally exchanged.
— Coaches/directors will establish a protocol for loading and unloading buses to minimize student contact, such as loading the rear of the bus first.
— Windows will be open when safe and weather-permitting.
— Buses will be sanitized before and after all trips.
— Every attempt will be made to schedule more local/regional competition and avoid any competition that might require an overnight stay.

Social Distancing at Events:
— Live streaming of games/contests/performances will be used when possible to reduce attendance at events or to allow spectators to view events if they are unable to attend in person.
— Every attempt will be made to social distance on sidelines/benches/performance and participant areas. Tape or other markers will be used as a guide.
— School superintendents will determine which of the Tiers will be in effect at each performance/event. The North Central Missouri Conference (NCMC) has developed a process in which this will be determined to minimize confusion or hardships on parents and other spectators.

When hosting or visiting another NCMC district, teams, groups, and/or individuals from both (or all) schools will participate at the highest tier of either team(s). For example, if one team is at Tier 1 and the other team is Tier 2, the event/game will not be forfeited but recorded as a “cancelled” event/game. If one school is at Tier 2 and the other(s) is at Tier 3, both (all) will participate at the Tier 3 level.

— No pre-game and post-game handshakes/high-fives/fist bumps should be allowed.

Considerations for Officials, Coaches/Directors, Other Personnel:
— Masks or face coverings, such as a gaiter, are required to be worn when not actively engaged in strenuous physical exertion.


Dr. Carol Maher, Marshall Public Schools

Dr. Ty Crain, Fulton Public Schools
Dr. Susan Johnson, Hannibal Public Schools
Dr. Tammy Lupardus, Mexico Public Schools
Dr. Tim Roling, Moberly Public Schools
Dr. Robert Webb, Kirksville Public Schools


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