3D ex vivo platforms have been diligently evaluated as better predictive tools in research and applications, as well as the preclinical and clinical space in the quest for reducing the dependence on animal research. Therefore, the rapid development of robust 3D ex vivo cell culture has resulted in the need to enhance the imaging and analysis capabilities of complex 3D structures, including tumoroids/organoids, tissues, and various 3D biologically relevant models.
This webinar will focus on two sets of instrumentation that facilitate the achievement of these analytical goals. SCREEN imaging technology enables researchers to perform large-scale drug discovery and early development using multiparametric endpoint measurement assays. In addition, their unique infrared laser-based optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology for 3D ex vivo studies allows large-tissue imaging, label-free non-invasive monitoring of macro and sprouted neo-vasculature for quantitatively monitoring the morphological changes in a time-dependent manner.
The PHCbi brand Cell-IQ series cell culture incubator is designed to deliver an optimal in vitro environment for even the most demanding cell growth conditions. As the tissue culture world rapidly evolves, emerging research and clinical techniques, such as the development of autologous cell therapies, demand tighter control of incubator parameters. Designed to protect cell health, the Cell-IQ incubators feature high-quality sensors for temperature and gas, among other diagnostics, that deliver a highly reactive system capable of recognizing and correcting environmental deviations in real time, to mimic in vivo conditions.
Key learning objectives
- Learn about novel 3D imaging platforms that demonstrate robust and versatile technology useful for studying multiple disease/therapeutic areas, including cancer and regenerative medicine
- Explore how infrared label-free technology facilitates imaging of 3D structures/organoids as a complementary platform for preclinical (animal-based) drug profiling
- Discover current research in the development of a 3D invasion model to understand the disease process and for the early to preclinical drug development phase
- Develop an understanding of smart controls in incubator culture parameters decontamination systems
Who should attend?
- This webinar will provide insights for molecular and cellular biologists, especially those working with complex 3D structures, in stem cell or cancer research within GMP-regulated cleanroom environments
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