Home Latest NY Mafia Ring Ran Sports Gambling Parlors, Feds Allege – Law360

NY Mafia Ring Ran Sports Gambling Parlors, Feds Allege – Law360

NY Mafia Ring Ran Sports Gambling Parlors, Feds Allege – Law360


By Khadrice Rollins (August 16, 2022, 10:16 PM EDT) — Federal prosecutors accused alleged members of two La Cosa Nostra families of operating a decade-long sports gambling ring in various locations in the Eastern District of New York, according to two indictments that were unsealed Tuesday.

The indictments, filed Aug. 4, charged five alleged members of the Genovese crime family, three alleged members of the Bonanno crime family and Nassau County police detective Hector Rosario. On Tuesday, seven of the defendants were arrested in New York, one was arrested in Florida, and one is still at large.

“Today’s arrests of members from two La Cosa Nostra crime families demonstrate that the…

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