Home Latest Odisha secured 2 Tech Sabha Awards for its technology application

Odisha secured 2 Tech Sabha Awards for its technology application

Odisha secured 2 Tech Sabha Awards for its technology application


Bhubaneswar: State got the awards in ILMS and State Covid Dash Board under excellence in analytics enterprising application and big data application respectively. Integrated Legal Monitoring System (ILMS) has been rolled out in 12 different departments to take on critical challenge of case pendency. Similarly, Covid Dash Board facilitated optimized augmentation for handling upsurge in incidence, guaranteeing essential supplies or any emergency needs for citizens and assistance to vulnerable population. It also served as a knowledge hub for researchers from across the globe.

Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik expressed happiness that Odisha secured 2 Tech Sabha Awards for its technology application. He said that Odisha, now driven by 5T initiative, has been continuously introducing technology in bringing transformation in the lives of people of the State.



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