Home FEATURED NEWS Only The Brave Deliver Peace: PM Modi’s Strong Message In Ladakh

Only The Brave Deliver Peace: PM Modi’s Strong Message In Ladakh

Only The Brave Deliver Peace: PM Modi’s Strong Message In Ladakh


PM Modi in Ladakh: PM Modi reached Ladakh early this morning.

Ladakh/ New Delhi:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing troops during a surprise visit to a forward post in Ladakh today, said: “The weak can never accomplish peace, the brave do.” Describing the soldiers as “the braves of the soil”, the Prime Minister said the “enemy has seen your fire and fury,” delivering a strong, direct message to China after the June 15 clash in which 20 soldiers were killed in action.

“Every single Indian across the world, especially in India, has the belief that you all can deliver and keep the nation strong and safe. Your courage is higher than the heights where you are stationed. Your arms are as strong as the mountains that surround you. Your confidence, determination and belief are as atal (immovable) as the peaks here,” he said.

“The conditions in which you all deliver your best are among the toughest in the world, and you have proven time and again that the Indian armed force is mightier and better than everyone else in the world.”

The PM’s visit served as a powerful statement against Chinese aggression at the Line of Actual Control (LAC) since early May, which escalated to a deadly brawl on June 15  in which 20 soldiers were killed and over 70 injured. Army sources said 45 Chinese soldiers were killed or injured.

“The world has given up Vistaarvaad (expansionism). This has destroyed the world. Expansionist forces have often had to move away. This is the age of Vikaswaad (Development),” said the Prime Minister, without mentioning China.

Chants of “Bharat Mata ki jai” and “Vande Mataram” broke out when he arrived at Nimu earlier today. A video showed soldiers cheering as the Prime Minister walked amidst them, accompanied by Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat, and Army Chief General MM Naravane. He was flown by chopper to Nimu, 11,000 feet up in the Himalayas and on the banks of the river Indus.

PM Modi first interacted with soldiers from the Army, Air Force and Indo-Tibetan Border Police, sitting in a camouflage tent. Later, he addressed the troops.

“Our enemies have seen your Fire and your Fury,”  he said, addressing the XIV Corps of the Army in Leh that is called the Fire and Fury Corps.

PM Modi also visited a hospital where several soldiers wounded in the clash are recovering.


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