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Ontonagon students going to School | News, Sports, Jobs

Ontonagon students going to School | News, Sports, Jobs


The Ontonagon School Board held a special meeting this past week that set the 5th phase to bring the students back to school.  Under the program dictated by Governor Whitmer, the board submitted the Assurance Document and Preparedness Plan.

The 10 page plan details how the Ontonagon Area School District (OASD) meets all the following requirements of the Governor’s Executive Order and the guidance of the Federal Department of Education.  This includes how the OASD has already met the first 3 stages, titled the Michigan Safe Start Plan.

That plan encompasses everything from the students attending school, what the OASD Teachers, Maintenance, and Service Staff must do, to Phase 4.   That is the phase that prohibits the District from having indoor assemblies that bring students together from more than one classroom.

The plan includes what the District must do if a Covid-19 case is identified.

Facial coverings will be required for all students from when they are on the school bus to when they are in the hallways and common areas.  The exception is when they are eating.  Students in grades 6-12 will be required to wear face masks in the classrooms.  However it is recommended that students in K-5 wear a face mask with their same age peer groups.

The District is also going to implement a strong and healthy program on personal hygiene. Hygiene supplies will be provided that includes soap with 60% alcohol.    The custodial staff will frequently check and refill soap and hand sanitizers.

Board Members Karen Jackson and Tammy Strasser made the motion to approve the ‘Return to School’ Plan, with the entire board supporting the plan.

The entire plan will be posted on the OASD Website.

Kelsey Kemppainen was given the oath to take the vacated seat of Becky Bramlett.  Kemppainen was appointed to the School Board.

The board reluctantly accepted the resignation of Physical Education teacher, Brady Guilbault.

As far as Ontonagon student participation in Fall Sports, Superintendent/Principal, Jim Bobula stated, “as of right now we plan on participating in the Fall Sports.  This could change in a week, or even a day, well, it could change in the next hour.”

The first reading of the Elementary, and the Jr/Sr High student handbook was done.  Bobula also stated that the first reading of the new and updated Title IX (9) has the updates.  “This includes the investigative process dealing with training.”

The regular monthly board meeting will be this Monday.  That meeting, like this past week’s special meeting will be done via ‘teleconference.’  Those that would like to hear Monday’s meeting and comment during the Public Comment can call the School District as to how to call in for the meeting.

Monday’s meeting starts at 5:30 pm.

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