Home Health Oops! Tea Stains On Your Clothes? Here Are 5 Tips To Remove Them

Oops! Tea Stains On Your Clothes? Here Are 5 Tips To Remove Them

Oops! Tea Stains On Your Clothes? Here Are 5 Tips To Remove Them


If you are a chai lover, you’d agree that it is not possible to say no to a cup of tea. No matter what time of the day it’s, we’re all the time able to sip on it each time we get an opportunity. While it gives us consolation, the identical beverage may cause a whole lot of fear if it spills on our garments. It’s not onerous to seek out your self in such a state of affairs since we drink it so usually. When this occurs, we search for speedy options to eliminate the cussed stains. Some may fit, and a few might not take away the stains fully. This might be fairly irritating and switch your enjoyable tea time right into a tense state of affairs. To prevent from this problem, we’ll take you thru some ideas that’ll assist you take away tea stains out of your garments with ease.
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Here Are 5 Tips To Remove Tea Stains From Clothes:

1. Rinse With Cold Water:

The best option to take away mild tea stains out of your garments is by rinsing them with chilly water instantly. Tea is soluble in water and, largely, can get washed away by rinsing solely, provided that not left for too lengthy. Just flip your garment inside out and put the strained space underneath working water. Let it keep for a minute or two, after which gently rub to take away the stain. Additionally, it’s also possible to blot the stain with chilly water, and you’ll discover it regularly disappearing.

2. Apply Liquid Detergent:

If the stain does not go away with water alone, you should use your common liquid detergent as nicely. For this, you could soak the garment in chilly water for some time. A time interval of 20 to half-hour works nicely. Now simply apply the liquid detergent to the stained space and rub it in a round movement till the stain goes away. Once finished, rinse with water once more, and your garment might be spotless.

3. Use Baking Soda:

Baking soda is likely one of the greatest cleansing brokers on the market. It comes as no shock that you should use it to take away cussed tea stains as nicely. There are two methods during which you should use it. The first step is to moist the stain, sprinkle baking soda over it, and go away it in a single day. Then simply scrub and rinse the subsequent day. But in the event you’re brief on time, it’s also possible to make a paste with water and apply it over the stain. Just be certain to soak the garment in water earlier than doing so.

4. Make Vinegar Solution:

You may use vinegar to banish tea stains out of your garments. Vinegar is acidic in nature, and this helps take away the stain with ease. To use it, soak your garment in a bucket of chilly water. Add 1-2 teaspoons of white vinegar and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Now simply rinse the garment with cool water to eliminate any residue. Don’t fear, it will not trigger any hurt to your material.
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5. Use Lemon Juice:

Another fantastic ingredient in our kitchen is lemon. The citric acid in lemons is antibacterial in nature, which makes it efficient for cleansing functions. To clear tea stains, comply with the identical course of as we did for vinegar. You can squeeze one whole lemon into the bucket for this function. Allow it to take a seat for a while earlier than rinsing your garment with water. Trust us, it’s going to look pretty much as good as new.

With our ideas and methods, you’ll banish tea stains out of your garments with ease. Tell us how they labored for you within the feedback beneath.

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