Home Health Ouster of local health director Lopez sought by county attorney

Ouster of local health director Lopez sought by county attorney

Ouster of local health director Lopez sought by county attorney


In his letter, Condon called out inaction by the city Law Department to make Lopez a permanent director, saying he had communicated with the department in March 2020 about making Lopez a permanent director. 

The search for a permanent health director failed to find a consensus candidate in late December, and Lopez agreed to stay in her post on the consultant’s agreement, which pays her $14,000 a month. The former health director earned $122,000 annually.

Lopez has provided consulting to other Nebraska health departments and helped them with accreditation, and Lincoln Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird agreed to allow her to continue that work as a consultant to the city if she remained in the job. 

Flowerday said Lopez was better than all the other candidates who applied for the permanent job, and he was glad she stayed on. 

Then came the pandemic, Flowerday said, and “it just didn’t make any sense to change horses midstream.”

City Councilwoman Jane Raybould said Lopez seems to be the most trusted official in all of Lincoln city government, “just like our own Dr. Tony Fauci.” 

Her steady, consistent guidance has helped navigate Lincoln through the pandemic, Raybould said. 

She believes the council would stand prepared to vote to appoint Lopez immediately if needed. 


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