Home Health Pa. Health Dept. Reports 565 New Coronavirus Cases, But No Additional Deaths

Pa. Health Dept. Reports 565 New Coronavirus Cases, But No Additional Deaths

Pa. Health Dept. Reports 565 New Coronavirus Cases, But No Additional Deaths


By: KDKA-TV News Staff

HARRISBURG (KDKA) — The Pennsylvania Department of Health is reporting 565 new cases of Coronavirus on Monday, but no additional deaths.

The statewide total number of cases has risen to 114,155 since Sunday’s report.

The Health Department says all 67 counties in Pennsylvania have had cases of COVID-19. Current patients are either in isolation at home or being treated at the hospital.

Allegheny County is reporting an increase of 68 cases, and Philadelphia County is reporting an increase of 71 cases.

The statewide death toll stands at 7,209.

There are 1,142,414 patients who have tested negative to date.

The number of tests administered within the last seven days, between July 27 and Aug. 2, is 152,627 with 6,165 positive cases, according to the Health Department. There were 17,494 test results reported to the department through 10 p.m. on Aug. 2. These results represent the total number of tests administered.

Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine said in a news release, “As the state has put in place targeted mitigation efforts to offset recent case increases, we must renew our commitment to protecting against COVID-19 by wearing a mask, practicing social distancing and following the requirements set forth in the orders for bars and restaurants, gatherings and telework. Pennsylvania has been a model for the country on how to reopen effectively using a careful, measured approach. However, we know the virus has not gone away as we see cases rise, so we must work together to stop another surge.”

Currently, all 67 counties are in the green phase of reopening. However, restrictions are in place for bars, restaurants and large gatherings.

If you have concerns about the virus, you can check out the state’s COVID-19 Early Warning Monitoring System Dashboard.

More information on the Coronavirus pandemic:


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