Home Health PAHO seeks adolescent and youth voices to handle psychological well being disaster within the Americas – PAHO/WHO

PAHO seeks adolescent and youth voices to handle psychological well being disaster within the Americas – PAHO/WHO

PAHO seeks adolescent and youth voices to handle psychological well being disaster within the Americas – PAHO/WHO


Washington, DC, 17 July 2023 (PAHO)- The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) right this moment introduced a contest for adolescents and younger folks aged 10 to 24, which goals to assist deal with the psychological well being disaster within the Region.

Through inventive mediums comparable to portray, drawing, illustration, poetry, tales, movies and track, the 2023 Youth Voices competition seeks to search out modern methods to encourage decision-makers to enhance adolescent and youth psychological well being care.

“The purpose of this contest is to encourage the active participation of young people and adolescents in mental health, providing a space where their voices and perspectives are heard. It will also enable the of design strategies to specifically address the needs of this group,” Dr. Sonja Caffe, Regional Advisor, Adolescent Health at PAHO stated.

According to a current PAHO report A New Agenda for Mental Health in the Americas, psychological well being issues amongst younger folks can have destructive penalties on numerous facets of their lives, together with interpersonal relationships, college efficiency and long-term employment. According to newest knowledge from WHO, self-harm is the third main reason behind adolescent mortality within the Region.

The PAHO report emphasizes the significance of nations investing within the promotion and prevention of psychological well being all through the life course, considering the impression of the COVID-19 disaster, which aggravated the chance elements for psychological well-being, notably amongst younger folks.

The competitors is open to adolescents and younger folks from all international locations within the Americas. Winning entries will likely be introduced on the PAHO web site and can obtain money prizes starting from US$150 to US$500. The deadline to take part is August 17, 2023, 12hrs (ET) Washington DC.

More details about the 2023 Youth Voices contest and the right way to take part: “Youth Voices on Mental Health” Contest 2023 – PAHO/WHO | Pan American Health Organization

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