Home Health Planning Your Domestic Air Travels? Keep These Quarantine Guidelines, Health Protocols in Mind

Planning Your Domestic Air Travels? Keep These Quarantine Guidelines, Health Protocols in Mind

Planning Your Domestic Air Travels? Keep These Quarantine Guidelines, Health Protocols in Mind


Domestic Flights Latest News: To keep a check on the spread of coronavirus, all state airports have issued various quarantine guidelines and health protocols for domestic air passengers. Also Read – Coronavirus: Recovery Rate Increases to 67.19%; Fatality Drops to 2.09%, Says Health Ministry

Starting from downloading Arogya Setu app to follow all the dos and don’ts, the Ministry of Civil Aviation has from time to time issued guidelines for the safety of passengers at this critical time of coronavirus. Also Read – Indian-Origin Scientists Find Novel Way to Treat Severe COVID-19

In the wake of these developments, Union Minister for Civil Aviation Hardeep Singh Puri on Tuesday said that the domestic flight operations will continue to soar in the days to come. Also Read – Independence Day 2020: In a First, Military Bands Perform For Fortnight Ahead of August 15 Event

Following the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown, the centre had suspended all domestic and international flight operations in March. However, domestic operations were resumed on May 25.

General guidelines:

1) All passengers are advised to download Arogya Setu app on their mobile phones prior to their journey.

2) The passengers need to follow all the dos and don’t s mentioned on the backside of the ticket.

3) Social distancing measures need to be followed by passengers throughout the journey.

4) All passengers should undergo thermal screening at the point of departure and only asymptomatic passengers are allowed to board the flights.

Quarantine guidelines in Goa:

1) All passengers arriving in Goa are required to go for 14 days of home quarantine or they can opt for 14 days of paid institutional quarantine.

2) Passengers, who will be able to produce a COVID-19 negative certificate issued by ICMR recognized lab, not older than 48 hours prior to the arrival in Goa, will be exempted from home quarantine.

3) Pre-booking of accommodation is mandatory for passengers.

4) Passengers have to undergo basic screening at the entry point.

5) If a passenger is found symptomatic upon arrival, then they must be sent to the dedicated medical room set up in the airport.

Quarantine guidelines in Bihar:

1) All passengers have to undergo thermal screening upon their arrival at the airport.

2) For passengers arriving at Gaya airport, there is a provision of 7 days paid institutional quarantine followed by 7 days home quarantine.

3) If a passenger is found symptomatic upon arrival, then they must be sent to the dedicated medical room set up in the airport.


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