Home Latest PM Modi: Afghanistan shouldn’t become source of radicalisation, terror; at G20 Extraordinary Leaders’ Summit | India News – Times of India

PM Modi: Afghanistan shouldn’t become source of radicalisation, terror; at G20 Extraordinary Leaders’ Summit | India News – Times of India

PM Modi: Afghanistan shouldn’t become source of radicalisation, terror; at G20 Extraordinary Leaders’ Summit | India News – Times of India


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday called upon the global community to forge a unified international response to deal with the situation in Afghanistan.
The Prime Minister stressed that without such a response, it would be difficult to bring about the desired change in Afghanistan’s situation.
Participating virtually in the G20 Extraordinary Summit on Afghanistan, the Prime Minister welcomed the initiative of the Italian G20 Presidency in convening the meeting to take stock of the current situation in Afghanistan.
The Prime Minister underscored the need to ensure that Afghanistan soil does not become a source of radicalization and terrorism, regionally or globally.
He emphasised on the need to enhance the global joint fight against the nexus of radicalization, terrorism and the smuggling of drugs and arms in the region.
Speaking at the summit, PM Modi called for an inclusive administration in Afghanistan in order to preserve the socio-economic gains of the last 20 years and to restrict the spread of radical ideology.
He said there is a need for the international community to ensure that Afghanistan has immediate and unhindered access to humanitarian assistance.
He also reiterated support for the important role of the United Nations in Afghanistan and called for renewed support of the G20 for the message contained in UN Security Council Resolution 2593 on Afghanistan.
Talking about India’s ties with the war-torn country, he said that both nations share centuries old people-to-people connection.
He also mentioned that over the last two decades, India has contributed to promoting socio-economic development and capacity building of youth and women in Afghanistan.


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