Home Latest PSUSD using tower-based technology to provide free internet access to students in Sky Valley – KESQ

PSUSD using tower-based technology to provide free internet access to students in Sky Valley – KESQ

PSUSD using tower-based technology to provide free internet access to students in Sky Valley – KESQ


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The Palm Springs Unified School District is teaming up with a telecommunications company to provide free internet access to students living in Sky Valley.

The internet access is necessary for the children in order to use Chromebooks at home, while participating in “distance learning” provided by the school district.

School campuses remain closed in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

District employees are working with T-Mobile engineers to get the internet service up and running.

Their installing cellular equipment on towers near Sky Valley.

Today News Channel 3 will speak with PSUD’s Director of Technology to learn more about the effort to get students in low income areas online.

Be sure to catch the full story online later today, and tonight on-air on News Channel 3.

Coronavirus / Education / News / News Headlines / Technology / Top Stories


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