Home Health Put public health first: HC to state govt on Rath Yatra | Ahmedabad News – Times of India

Put public health first: HC to state govt on Rath Yatra | Ahmedabad News – Times of India

Put public health first: HC to state govt on Rath Yatra | Ahmedabad News – Times of India


Ahmedabad: The Gujarat high court on Tuesday castigated the state government for its “appeasement policy” and said that public health should be given priority when considering permission for Lord Jagannath’s Rath Yatra.
The HC had last month restrained the annual procession and expressed disappointment at the authorities’ indecisiveness even after seven meetings with temple authorities.
The HC’s ire towards the government appeared to have been sharpened because of its last-minute petition seeking a nod for the procession. “What was disappointing was the passive and yielding approach of the state government,” the court said. “As a secular body heading the fight against Covid-19, the government’s main focus should be protecting the health and wellbeing of the people at all costs, even if it means hurting the religious sentiments of some religious leaders.”
The court went on to say: “With infection rates going up and our resources gradually depleting, it is mandatory to focus on health rather than religion.”
The HC said that for many, religion is supreme. But, it said, “to ensure the safety of ourselves, our family and our neighbours during this pandemic it is mandatory to make the choice of health over religion.”
The court commended people’s response to the cancellation of the 143rd Rath Yatra. It was to be held on June 23.
But the court tore into the government for not taking a firm stance. “In such critical times, there is no need to consult or discuss anything relating to religious practices with religious leaders at the cost of public health,” the court said. “We emphasize upon the need to prioritize the protection of public health over religious expression.”
The bench of Chief Justice Vikram Nath and Justice J B Pardiwala criticized police and state authorities’ failed efforts to persuade religious leaders. “Instead of…boldly refusing to allow the Rath Yatra citing public health reasons, the government chose to follow a policy of appeasement,” the judges said. They said police and government tried “coaxing to convince religious leaders, temple authorities and organizers connected with Shri Jagannath’s Rath Yatra.”
The judges went on to say: “During a pandemic, we do not have time for blandishments. We need action. Strong, pragmatic and robust action.”


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